
BODY MELT - soundtrack double-LP, Terror Vision, USA (forthcoming)


"Review: Tobe Hooper & Wayne Bell's Texas Chainsaw Massacre" - Wire No.493, London
"Early Transmissions from the Bureau of Sensory Intelligence - The first 3 solo records by Paul Schütze" - for the LP re-releases on Kontakt Audio, Vienna
"Problem Pop" - Memo Magazine No.3, Melbourne (forthcoming)


Designer/presenter of Sonic Adventurers workshops, Jolt Arts, Melbourne
Interview on STUFFING and graphic design - Letterbox, Melbourne



BODY MELT (2k restoration w/ Dolby Digital 5.1) - Leeds International Film Festival, Leeds; Cinema Reborn, Sydney & Melbourne; Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane; Rewind Cinema, Hobart
ADS (mono SD video) - Video Rainbows, PS Art Space, Perth & Composite, Melbourne


PAUL SCHUTZE - drummer on Topology of a Quantum City - CD released on aufabwegen Records, Vienna
OVERTONE ENSEMBLE (performer in quartet directed by Tim Catlin) - score to Waiting Room performance by Martine Corompt & Camilla Hannan, Capitol Cinema, Melbourne


WORM PORNOGRAPHY - stereo score & sound design for a HD short by Ian Haig


SCREENIC - Politicized Writings on Being Screened - anthology of articles and essays, published by Discipline, Melbourne
"Review: Angela Goh's Body Loss" - Buxton Contemporary, Melbourne - Memo, October 19th, Melbourne
"Essay: David Lynch's Twin Peaks - The Return" - Wire No.486, London
"Review: Ernie Althoff's Assistance" - Wire No.486, London
"Essay: Tainted Silver & Digital Strings: The Sound of Music in Bill Mousoulis' My Darling in Stirling" - Rough Cut, October, Melbourne
"Yoko Ono's Cut Piece" - Memo Magazine No.2, Melbourne
"Review: Phillipa Berry's Shrine Show" - One Star Gallery, Melbourne - Memo, July 20th, Melbourne
"Constanze Zikos' Pinups" - catalogue essay, Macintosh Lane, London
"Review: Yoko Ono's I Love You Earth" - St.Kilda Rd., Melbourne - Memo, March 30th, Melbourne
"Sonic Embedment & Spatial 'Worlding'" - chapter for The Palgrave Handbook of Music and Sound in Japanese Animation, Palgrave/Macmillan, London


"Q&A sessions with Soda_Jerk: Hello Dankness" - ACMI, Melbourne
SCREENIC book launch panel with Helen Hughes & Emile Zile - Conners Conners, Melbourne
SCREENIC book launch panel with Helen Hughes, Nicholas Croggon & Ivan Cerecina - Verge Gallery, University of Sydney, Sydney
SCREENIC book launch panel with Helen Hughes, James Vinciguerra & Robert Leonard - Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane
"Q&A session for BODY MELT - Cinema Reborn, Sydney + Rewind Cinema, Hobart


Interviews on BODY MELT - ABC Radio National; Rough Cut, Sydney; Without Your Head podcast, USA
Drummer on Love Outside Andromeda's LP Stella Interrupted; live gig at Brunswick Ballroom, Melbourne
Drummer for The Bolt Ensemble - Royal Theatre, Hobart; Jolted, Melbourne
Designer/presenter of Creative Cultures workshops, Jolt Arts, Melbourne
Designer/presenter of course module Soundtrack for Screen, Collarts, Melbourne
Artist talk on logos, VCA, Melbourne



BODY MELT (2k restoration w/ Dolby Digital 5.1) - Only Repulsive Liquid Film Festival, New Farm Cinemas, Brisbane


DBPB (live guitar & drum duo with Dave Brown) - Nighthawks, Melbourne


LYRICS ARE FOR LOSERS – occasional radio mixtape series for Voice Of Cassandra, Rennes (Vols. 18-20)


"I Am A Serious Artist - Contemporary Artists in Contemporary Hollywood" - Memo Magazine No.1, Melbourne
"Review: Mamoru Fujieda" - Astra concert, Melbourne - Wire No.477, London
"Review: Ash Keating's Ice Floes Response" - At The Above, Melbourne - Memo, September 16th, Melbourne
"Soda Jerking Pepsi - PepsiCo’s Jump In - Pepsi Moments within Soda_Jerk's Hello Dankness" - Un-Extended, Melbourne
"Review: Dumb Type’s 2022: Remix" - ICC, Tokyo - Wire, London (unpublished)
"Targeted - Matthew Ware’s Speedway" - catalogue essay, NAP Contemporary, Mildura
"Singing. Dying. Animating. Özgür Kar’s Good Night" - catalogue essay, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
"Review: Rosslyn Piggott's Realm-peripheral scenes" - Sutton Gallery, Melbourne - Memo, March 25th, Melbourne
"Poll invitation: Greatest Films Of All Time" - Sight & Sound, Vol.33 issue 1, London


"Q&A session for BODY MELT - Only Repulsive Liquid Film Festival, New Farm Cinemas, Brisbane


Interviewed in Jessie Scott's Rainbow Video documentary



VOX (2-screen Dolby Digital 5.1 animation) - single-screen compile version with stereo mix screened for Dogmilk Films night, Miscellania, Melbourne
BODY MELT (2k restoration w/ Dolby Digital 5.1) - Scream Screen, SIE Film Center, Denver; Agent Bodies, Capitol Cinema, Melbourne; Melbourne International Film Festival, Melbourne


WOMB TO TOMB (live & mechanized drums) - Jolted, Melbourne
OVERTONE ENSEMBLE (performer in quartet directed by Tim Catlin) - score to Waiting Room performance by Martine Corompt & Camilla Hannan, ACMI, Melbourne


LYRICS ARE FOR LOSERS – occasional radio mixtape series for Voice Of Cassandra, Rennes (Vols. 13-17)


"Review: CUT - Temperance Hall, Melbourne" - Memo, December 24th, Melbourne
"Recipe: Australia - Discipline Artists' Cook Book, Discipline, Melbourne
"Review: Music as Image - project8, Melbourne" - Memo, October 8th, Melbourne
"Obituary: Vale Vince Gil" - unpublished, Melbourne
"Review: Stelarc & Bolt Ensemble (live)" - Wire, No.463, London
"Review: Dan Deacon - All Light Everywhere & Ascension" - Wire, No.458, London
"Review: Framed - SBS-TV series" - Memo, April 30th, Melbourne
"Review: Refik Anadol - Quantum Memories" and "Review: Commercial Mural Paintings - Melbourne Central, Latrobe St. Melbourne" - published in MeMO Review 05, Perimeter Books, Melbourne


"Q&A session for BODY MELT - Melbourne International Film Festival, Kino Cinemas, Melbourne


Artist talk, Seventh Gallery, Melbourne



BODY MELT (2k restoration w/ Dolby Digital 5.1) - Capitol Cinema, Melbourne; VHS Library event, Lizdas Club, Lithuania; Two Bit Movie Club, Nether World, Brisbane; online stream event: Static Vision Halloween Festival, Sydney


ATMOSIS (16-channel music installation) - exhibited in Site & Sound, McClelland Sculpture Park & Gallery, Melbourne


DOUMANY/BROPHY (drummer in collaborative duo with Mary Doumany) - Make It Up Club, Melbourne
KTB (drummer in trio with Kazuyuki Kishino & Tabata Mitsuru) - Dangerous Orbits CD released on φonon Records, Japan
OVERTONE ENSEMBLE (performer in quartet directed by Tim Catlin) - second CD released on Important Records, USA; live performances for New Music Classics, Elsternwick Classic Cinema, Melbourne


PSYCHOSONIC CINEMA – radio series on film soundtracks broadcast weekly 3CR, Melbourne (episodes 20 on)


"Review: Commercial Mural Paintings - Melbourne Central, Latrobe St. Melbourne" - Memo, December 4th, Melbourne
"A Guitarist with a Museum in his Head: Francis Plagne" - Disclaimer, October, Melbourne
"Review: Geoff Kevin - Avoidance" - Wire, No.452, London
"Review: Alexander Garsden - Solo Guitar I" - Wire, No.452, London
"Review: recent LPs by James Rushford & Will Guthrie" - Wire, No.452, London
"Review: Michael Small - The Parallax View" - Wire, No.447, London
"Review: Refik Anadol - Quantum Memories" - Memo, July 31st, Melbourne
"Review: Grant Stevens - Fawn In The Forest" and "Review: Lewis Fiddock & Joshua Petherick - 'Weevils In The Flour'" - published in Memo Review 04, Perimeter Books, Melbourne
"Review: Christian Thompson - Bayi Gardiya"; "Review: ...illegible..."; and "Review: Haroon Mirza - 'Construction of an Act'" - published in Memo Review 03, Perimeter Books, Melbourne
"Video Killed The Record Cover?" - included in Reversing into The Future: New Wave Graphics 1977 - 1990, Rizzoli, New York


3/11 Japan - Imaging Destruction - keynote Zoom for the project Mutable Technologies: Art, Design and Architecture Interfaces for Environmental Futures, RMIT University, Melbourne & ICC & Musashi University, Tokyo



BODY MELT (2k restoration w/ Dolby Digital 5.1) - bluray release by Schroeder Media (Germany)


PSYCHOSONIC CINEMA – radio series on film soundtracks broadcast weekly on Resonance FM, London (episodes 68 - 90); & on 3CR, Melbourne (episodes 1 - 18)


"Melbourne City Square As Void" - included in The Politics Of Public Space - Volume Three, Office, Melbourne
"Review: Grant Stevens - Fawn In The Forest" - Memo, November 28th, Melbourne
"Review: Henry Rollins - Stay Fanatic!!!" - Wire, No.440, London
"Tangerine Dream profile" - Wire, No.437, London
"Ethical Media Studies 101" - Efficient Space blog, Melbourne
"Review: Tetema - Necroscape" - Wire, No.434, London
"Review: Laibach (live)" - Wire, No.434, London
"Review: Hidur Gudnadottir - Chernobyl & Joker" - Wire, No.432, London
"Review: Lewis Fiddock & Joshua Petherick - 'Weevils In The Flour'" - Memo, April 11th, Melbourne
"Review: Spiral Jetty and Swamp in 'Robert Smithson: Time Crystals'" - published in Memo Review 02, Perimeter Books, Melbourne
"Nothing Has Changed" - for the 'pandemic blog' Everything Has Changed, invited yet unpublished by City Gallery, Wellington


"Melbourne City Square As Void" - for the series The Politics Of Public Space, organized by Office, Melbourne


→ ↑ → logo spread - Enthusiams No.1, Efficient Space, Melbourne
Interviewed for the Pandemic Playist podcast series, produced by Emile Zile, Melbourne



BODY MELT (2k restoration w/ Dolby Digital 5.1) - bluray release by 88 Films (UK)


TURRET TRUCK (drummer in collaborative trio with Dave Brown & Bill McDonald) - M-Pavilion, Melbourne
OVERTONE ENSEMBLE (performer in quartet directed by Tim Catlin) - Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne


Track "Sexuality" from the SOUNDTRACKS (LP) - included on the compilation BOXES OF TOYS on Orbeatize Records, Italy


PSYCHOSONIC CINEMA – radio series on film soundtracks broadcast weekly on Resonance FM, London (episodes 53 - 67)


"The Akira mural" - Picture piece - Frieze.com, July, London
"Pseudo Soundtracks: Reconsidering The Rescore" - chapter for Live Cinema: Cultures, Economies, Aesthetics, Bloomsbury, London
"Review: Haroon Mirza - 'Construction of an Act'" - MeMO, October 5th, Melbourne
"Recording Sound. Reading Sound." - CD booklet essay for Philip Samartzis' Boleskine, Surplus 29, Melbourne
"Review: '...illegible...'" - MeMO, August 25th, Melbourne
"Review: Christian Thompson - Bayi Gardiya" - Memo, May 25th, Melbourne
"Post-Human Post-Cinema: Part 2 - Westworld: Unreading the Opening" - (unpublished)


"DE-SIGN: Designing Music For Film" - AV Presentation: APRA/AMCOS Equalize Music Production Workshop, Melbourne


Artist talk, RMIT School of Art MBA programme, Melbourne



BODY MELT (2k restoration w/ Dolby Digital 5.1) - bluray release by Vinegar Syndrome (USA) and 88 Films (UK); screenings at Mondo Mondays, The Loft Cinema, Tuscon; Saskatoon Fantastic Film Festival, Saskatchewan; Music Box Of Horrors Festival, Music Box Theatre, Chicago; American Cinemantheque, Los Angeles; Australian Cinematheque, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane
BITCH by MARIA KOZIC & THE MK-SOUND (SD video) - exhibited in Compass, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney


STADIUM - Neo-Tokyo Terrasound Cosmophony (nightly playback of a 6-channel reinterpretation of Yamashirogumi's Kaneda theme from Akira) - commissioned for M-Pavilion, Melbourne


DOUMANY/BROPHY (drummer in collaborative duo with Mary Doumany) - Long Play, Melbourne; Make It Up Club, Melbourne
TURRET TRUCK (drummer in collaborative trio with Dave Brown & Bill McDonald) - Happy River Café, Melbourne


PSYCHOSONIC CINEMA – radio series on film soundtracks broadcast weekly on Resonance FM, London (repeat of episodes 40 to 52)


"Review: 'Eavesdropping' (exhibition)" - Wire, No.419, London
"Review: Brian Chase - Drums & Drones" - Wire, No.419, London
"Post-Human Post-Cinema: Part 1 - Westworld's Opening Title Sequence" - Senses Of Cinema No.89, Melbourne
"Review: Spiral Jetty and Swamp in 'Robert Smithson: Time Crystals'" - MeMO, August, Melbourne
"Review: Bernard Parmegiani - Les soleils de lîle de pâques" - Wire, No.418, London
"Review: Giorgio Moroder & Raney Shockne - Queen Of The South" - Wire, No.415, London
"James Hullick: The Arbour and The Orrery" - catalogue essay, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, Tarrawarra
"Audio Vision: Move Fast & Hear Things" - Real Time, August 2018, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Visceral Writing In Real Time" - Real Time, November 2018, Sydney
"Glimpses Of The Present" - reprinted in Australian Film Theory and Criticism - Volume 3: Documents, Intellect, London


3/11 Japan - Imaging Destruction - for the lecture series Nature in Japan, The Asian Art Society of Australia, Sydney
"Introduction and Q+A session with Hiromasa Ogura, Production I.G. background artist" - Japan Foundation, Sydney


STADIUM - Neo-Tokyo Terrasound Cosmophony - collection purchase by the Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne



BODY MELT (2k restoration w/ Dolby Digital 5.1) - Astor Cinema, Melbourne
PULSE by MARIA KOZIC & THE MK-SOUND (SD video) - installed in Every Brilliant Eye, National Gallery Of Victoria, Melbourne


EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video)
EVAPORATED MUSIC 2 (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video)
EVAPORATED MUSIC 3 (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video)
(all Dolby Digital 5.1 SD videos) - all 3 works exhibited at Neon Parc Gallery, Melbourne
STADIUM - Neo-Tokyo Terrasound Cosmophony (nightly playback of a 6-channel reinterpretation of Yamashirogumi's Kaneda theme from Akira) - commissioned for M-Pavilion, Melbourne
EVAPORATED MUSIC 2 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - screened as part of MCA Art Party, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
"What Is This Thing Called 'Disco'?" by ASPHIXIATION (LP & 12" 45 single) - re-issued on vinyl by Chapter Music, Melbourne
"L'Acrostique D'Amour" by ASPHIXIATION - track included on the compilation Closed Circuits Vol.1 by Warner Music Australia


STADIUM (live drum and sampler performance) - M-Pavilion, Melbourne
OVERTONE ENSEMBLE (performer in quartet directed by Tim Catlin) - MONA FOMA, Hobart


"UnJapan" (curated exhibition featuring Utako Shindo, Kazuna Taguchi, Hiroharu Mori) - Kanzan Gallery, Tokyo


PSYCHOSONIC CINEMA – radio series on film soundtracks broadcast weekly on Resonance FM, London (repeat of episodes 1 to 39)


"Review: 'Robert Rauschenberg Among Friends' (exhibition)" - Wire, No.405, London
"Review: Revolution Of Sound - Tangerine Dream film" - Wire, No.405, London
"Post-Politics & Totalitarian Tonality: Ugis Olte & Morten Traavik’s Liberation Day" - for the column Audiovision, Real Time November 2017, Sydney
"Review: Masaya Nakahara exhibition" - Wire, No.403, London
"Post-human Synchronization: Meshuggah live" - for the column Audiovision, Real Time, August 2017, Sydney
"Review: 'Taro Okamoto X Architecture' exhibition" - Frieze.com, August 2017, London
"Extreme Quiet & Trauma Acoustics: cheltfisch’s Journey Through A Room" - for the column Audiovision, Real Time June 2017, Sydney
"Review: Inland 17.1 concert" - Wire, No.397, London
"Particulate Cinema - Visualising Data & Posthuman Physics" - Artlink, Vol.37 No.1, Adelaide
"Review: '100th Anniversary Retrospective of Nam June Paik', Gallery Watari, Tokyo" - Real Time, No.137, Sydney
"The Sound of an Android’s Soul - Music, Muzak and MIDI in Time Of Eve" - (full version), chapter for Palgrave Handbook of Sound Design & Music in Screen Media, Palgrave/Macmillan, London
"Picture Perfect Political Art" - reprinted in Un Reader, Melbourne
"Picture Piece: Ippon Matsu - The Miracle Pine Tree, Rikuzentakata, Japan" - Frieze, No.187, London
"De-touchable Technologies - Between Dreams & Nightmares" - Oberon, No.3, Copenhagen


"Philip Brophy's Certified Guide To Being A Film Composer" - Keynote address, Glories of the Score - Australian Film TV & Radio School, Sydney
HYPER FEMINIZATION - for the panel Anime & Feminism, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne
"Disaster, Trauma & Reconstruction in Miyazaki’s Anime" - Yarra Libraries, Melbourne (in conjunction with the Madman Anime Festival)
BLANK GENERATIONS - Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney (in conjunction with the film series Lost New York)
"Q&A session for BODY MELT - Astor Cinema, Melbourne


EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - purchased by the Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
PSYCHOSONIC CINEMA - DJ set, Neon Parlour, Melbourne
Guest lecture, VCA Interactive Composition, Melbourne
Artist talk with Emile Zile, ACMI Art + Film series, ACMI, Melbourne
Interviewed for the wrestling podcast Behind The Belt, ABC radio, Melbourne



BODY MELT (2k restoration w/ Dolby Digital 5.1) - bluray release by Umbrella Entertainment, Australia


Performer on The Overtone Ensemble CD, Important Records, USA
"Trust Me" by MARIA KOZIC & THE MK-SOUND - track included on the compilation Midnite Spares, Efficient Space Records, Sydney
"Sedation" from the soundtrack to SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT - track included on the compilation Midnite Spares, Efficient Space Records, Sydney


STADIUM (live drum and sampler performance) - Neon Parc gallery, Melbourne
TURRET TRUCK (drummer in collaborative trio with Dave Brown & Bill McDonald) - Make It Up Club, Melbourne
OVERTONE ENSEMBLE (performer in quartet directed by Tim Catlin) - Inland 16.6, Melbourne; CD released on Important Records, USA


"Maximalised Sounding vs. Authored Synaesthesia: Speak Percussion’s 'Fluorophone'" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.136, Sydney
"Voice-Over Pop & Hateful Audiovision: SBS’s Eurovision Semi-Finals 2016" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.135, Sydney
"Review: Inland 16.4 concert" - RealTime No.134, Sydney
"Banging Boxes & Bashing Women: Cassandra Tytler’s I'm Sorry" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.133, Sydney
"David Dead & Sounding Real: Lady Gaga’s David Bowie Tribute on the 58th Annual Grammys" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.132, Sydney
"Panoptic Spreadsheets & Political Art: 'Exit' exhibition" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.131, Sydney
"Production I.G shop - Marui Department store, Shibuya, Tokyo" - for the column Manga Museums & Anime Art, Madblogs, Madman Entertainment, Melbourne
"Japan" - contributor to Almanac 2016, Art Asia Pacific, Hong Kong


"Review: Shin Godzilla" - for ABC Radio National The Final Cut, Sydney
"Terra Nullis & Priscilla" - (from the 2008 book THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT - commissioned for the Australian Screen Classics series, Currency Press, Sydney) - for the series Experimenta Social, ACMI-X, Melbourne
META CINEMA & JAPANESE COMEDY - for the series Urbanism, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
"Psycho-Acoustics: Bernard Herrmann's Semiotic Strings" - Peggy Glanville Hicks House, Sydney
"Tokyo" - for the series The Grand Tour: Cities Shaped By Art, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne


Recipient of Paris studio, Cité Internationale des Arts



STADIUM (live drum and sampler performance) - part of the 2015 Touring Festival organised by Jolt Arts: Super Deluxe, Tokyo; ICC, Hong Kong; LMA, Macau
OVERTONE ENSEMBLE (performer in quartet directed by Tim Catlin) - Strange Neighbour, Melbourne


TORRENT - Dolby Digital 5.1 score & sound design for a 3-screen digital animation by Martine Corompt, premiered at Contemporary Art Tasmania, Hobart, as part of the MONA FOMA festival; Centre of Contemporary Art, Melbourne, as part of Melbourne International Arts Festival


PSYCHOSONIC CINEMA – radio series on film soundtracks broadcast weekly on Resonance FM, London (episodes 40 to 52)
LYRICS ARE FOR LOSERS – occasional radio mixtape series for Voice Of Cassandra, Rennes (Vols. 5 - 12)


"Unsound Vision: 'David Bowie Is' exhibition" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.130, Sydney
"'Don't Follow The Wind' - Fukushima exclusion zone & Watari Gallery, Tokyo" - Frieze No.175, London
"The Reflecting Screen: How Artists Address Media" - catalogue essay for Technologism, Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne
VOIDING EFFECTS & TERRORIZED LANGUAGE: Video & The Unreality of ISIS (Part 2)" - Kill Your Darlings No.23, Melbourne
"The Art Of Gundam – exhibition review" - for the column Manga Museums & Anime Art, Madblogs, Madman Entertainment, Melbourne
"Classical Gas & Retrograde Ejaculation: 2Cellos' YouTube videos" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.129, Sydney
"Sine Qua Son: Considering the Sine Wave Tone in Electronic Art" - chapter for Abstract Video Art, University of California Press, Los Angeles
"Attack On Titan – exhibition review" - for the column Manga Museums & Anime Art, Madblogs, Madman Entertainment, Melbourne
"Deafness, Symbolism & Silence: The Tribe" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.128, Sydney
"Talk About Being Fucked-Up: Re’Search Wait’S" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.127, Sydney
"Sound: Tokyo Tribe" - Film Comment Vol.51 No.3, May/June, New York
"Reading The Film Score: Inherent Vice" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.126, Sydney
"Epiphany: John Cage (Not)" - reprinted in Epiphanies: Life-Changing Encounters With Music, Strange Attractor Press, London
"Listening To Noise & Other Musical Messages: World War Z" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.125, Sydney
"'Tokyo Art Meeting 5: Seeking New Genealogies: Bodies / Leaps / Traces' exhibition" - RealTime No.125, Sydney
"Sacred Sites and Screenic Figurines: Perfume at Love Japan Night, National Stadium Tokyo" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.124, Sydney
"Nobuya Hoki, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo" - Frieze No.168, London
"Kazuyuki Kishino / Makato Kawabata / Yumiko Tanaka" - Wire, No.372, London
"Yoshihide Otomo's 'Between Art And Music'" - Wire, No.372, London


VOIDING EFFECTS & TERRORIZED LANGUAGE: Video & The Unreality of ISIS" - Parts 1-5 (condensed) – Finissage keynote lecture, Artspace, Sydney
Panel participant - "Don't Follow The Wind" - for the 'Don't Follow The Wind' Fukushima Exclusion Zone exhibition, Watari Museum, Japan
META CINEMA & JAPANESE COMEDY - for the Cult Japan film programme, Australian Cinematheque, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane
VOIDING EFFECTS & TERRORIZED LANGUAGE: Video & The Unreality of ISIS" - Discipline lecture, Parts 1-3 – The Wheeler Centre, Melbourne; Parts 4-5 – Westspace, Melbourne
"Considering Quincy Jones: Blackness, Studiophonics & Cinema" - keynote for Current Work in Film Music/Sound Studies, School Of Music, Australian National University, Canberra (excerpted from the radio programme TRACES OF SOUNDTRACKS)


Guest lecture, Monash University School of Music, Melbourne; RMIT School of Art, Melbourne
Cover design for the book Product 45: Australian Punk/Post-Punk Record Covers, Murray Bennett Publishing, Sydney



EVAPORATED MUSIC 2 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video: stereo version) - exhibited in Unco, Northern Centre for Contemporary Art, Darwin


KISSED (live quadraphonic surround score to Andy Warhol's KISS) - State Library of Queensland, Brisbane (part of the Experimenta 5th International Biennial of Media Art)
Improvization with Warren Burt - Make It Up Club, Melbourne
OVERTONE ENSEMBLE (performer in quartet directed by Tim Catlin) - NOW Now Festival, Sydney; Sound Out Festival, Canberra
Performer in 4 Hours Sleep - The Toff, Melbourne


PSYCHOSONIC CINEMA – radio series on film soundtracks broadcast weekly on Resonance FM, London (episodes 1 to 39)
LYRICS ARE FOR LOSERS – radio mixtape series for Voice Of Cassandra, Rennes (Vols. 1 - 4)


"Frederick Wiseman's National Gallery" - Artforum online, December, New York
"Public Singing & Imperfect Pitch" - for the special section Freedom Principles, Wire, No.370, London
"Sound: Goodbye To Language" - Film Comment Vol.50 No.6, Sept-Oct, New York
"Heliocentrics & Melvin Van Peebles' Last Transmission" - Wire, No.369, London
"Hyperreal Sonics & Breathing Music: Manakamana" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.123, Sydney
"A Sonic Reading of Visualised Space: A Spell To Ward Off The Darkness" - The Wire online, London
"Naoki Urasawa: 20th Century Artist" - MadBlogs August 2014, Madman Entertainment, Melbourne
"Illuminated Edifices & Audiovisual Effigies: Lighting The Sails" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.122, Sydney
"Mouthing Politics – Breathing Politics: Significant Others" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.121, Sydney
"Sound: The Wind Rises" - Film Comment Vol.50 No.3, May-June, New York
"Hayao Miyazaki's The Wind Rises" - Frieze magazine blog, May 2014, London
"No-one plays the piano anymore: Slave Pianos' Sedular Gamelan" - catalogue essay for Slave Pianos' The Lepidopters, Melbourne
"Collateral Damage" - The Wire No.363, London
"Emotional Pornography & Social Silence: Her" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.120, Sydney
"Pseudo-Cinema & Deus Ex Musica: Crescendo exhibition" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.119, Sydney
"Theoretical Drag & Textual Disco: I was a drummer in Art & Text" - symposium talk transcribed for Impresario: Paul Taylor, The Melbourne Years, 1981-1984 Monash University Press, Melbourne
"Popism & The Now" - 1982 paper reprinted in Impresario: Paul Taylor, The Melbourne Years, 1981-1984 Monash University Press, Melbourne


"Q&A session with Yasuhiro Yoshiura: Patema Inverted" - Melbourne International Film Festival
"What's The Future For Music & Sound?" - panel participant, Melbourne Conversations, Deakin Edge, Melbourne
"DE-SIGN: Designing Music For Film" - State Library of Queensland, Brisbane (part of the Experimenta 5th International Biennial of Media Art)


Interviewed on ABC Radio National - on sound art



COLOUR ME DEAD (series of films, animations & digital prints) - Chapters 1-6 premiered for the Vizard Foundation Contemporary Art Project, Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne
THE ILLUMINATED NYMMPH (digital animation, silent) - Chapter 1 of COLOUR ME DEAD, Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne
THE MORBID FOREST (Dolby Digital 3.1 2K HD film) - Chapter 3 of COLOUR ME DEAD, Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne
THE HUNGRY VAGINA (3-screen digital animation with mono sound) - Chapter 5 of COLOUR ME DEAD, Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne
THE PROSTRATE CHRIST (2K SD film, silent) - Chapter 6 of COLOUR ME DEAD, Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne
SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT - screened in MIXTAPE 1980s: Appropriation, Subculture, Critical Style, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
CLUB VIDEO - screened in The Audiovisual Essay - Practice & Theory, Frankfurt Film Museum, Frankfurt

Graphic designer/illustrator

THE LADY IN THE LAKE (digital print series) - Chapter 2 of COLOUR ME DEAD, Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne
THE SEXUALIZED CHIMERA (digital print series) - Chapter 4 of COLOUR ME DEAD, Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne


WOMB TO TOMB (sound sculpture) - commissioned for Liquid Architecture 14, Melbourne
ATMOSIS (16-channel music installation) - commissioned for the RMIT University Sound Art Collection – premiered in Sound Bites City, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne
EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - screened in the film programme for Soundings: A Contemporary Score, Museum of Modern Art, New York
EVAPORATED MUSIC 2 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - screened in the film programme for Soundings: A Contemporary Score, Museum of Modern Art, New York
EVAPORATED MUSIC 2 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video: stereo version) - exhibited in Unco, Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles


OVERTONE ENSEMBLE (performer in quartet directed by Tim Catlin) - Liquid Architecture 14, Melbourne


"Loving the Image of Your Own Voice: Japanese Digital Signage" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.118, Sydney
"Tomoko Konoike: Distilling the Natural. Imagining the Unnatural." - catalogue essay for Tomoko Konoike, Gallery Wendi Norris, San Francisco
"Accelerated Media & Aural Fatigue: Death Race 3: Inferno" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.117, Sydney
"I do not come from your planet." - Making Worlds: Art & Science Fiction, Surpllus, Melbourne
"Non-Human Speech & Listening Cameras: 'Vocal Folds' exhibition" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.116, Sydney
"Picturing Musical Creativity & Emptying the Self: Soulnessless" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.115, Sydney
"Electric Italy & Black America: Django Unchained" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.114, Sydney
"Goblin Live: Melbourne Town Hall concert & ACMI live score to Suspiria" - The Wire No.349, London
"Affected Music & Emotional Exhaustion: Documentary of AKB48: Show Must Go On" - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.113, Sydney
"Hypnagogic Horror - Hauntological Cinema: Berberian Sound Studio" - RealTime No.113, Sydney
"Is It Weird? Or, Actualising Disallowed Cinema" - Lola No.3, Buffalo/Melbourne
"Tokusatsu Comes Alive" - MadBlogs February 2013, Madman Entertainment, Melbourne
"Tokusatsu: Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo" - Frieze No.152, London
"Parties In Your Head: From the Acoustic to the Psycho-Acoustic" - The Oxford Handbook of New Audiovisual Aesthetics, University of Oxford Press, London
EVAPORATED MUSIC, Revoicing & Gendered Vocalization - Electrified Voices: Medial, Socio-Historical and Cultural Aspects of Voice Transfer, V&R Press, Gottingen


"The Sound of Godzilla's Footsteps" - symposium presentation, Museum of Modern Art, New York
"DE-SIGN: Designing Music For Film" - keynote presentation for CINESONIKA Conference, Derry, UK; VCA Film & Television School, Melbourne
EVAPORATED MUSIC, Revoicing & Gendered Vocalization - London College of Communication, London; Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, New York
COLOUR ME DEAD - Art, Sex & Psychos (slide lecture - Chapter 1: The Illuminated Nymph & Chapter 2: The Lady in the Lake) - in conjunction with the exhibition COLOUR ME DEAD - Ian Potter Museum, Melbourne
COLOUR ME DEAD - Art, Sex & Psychos (slide lecture - Chapter 3: The Morbid Forest & Chapter 4: The Sexualized Chimera) - in conjunction with the exhibition COLOUR ME DEAD - Ian Potter Museum, Melbourne
COLOUR ME DEAD - Art, Sex & Psychos (slide lecture - Chapter 5: The Hungry Vagina & Chapter 6: The Prostrate Christ) - in conjunction with the exhibition COLOUR ME DEAD - Ian Potter Museum, Melbourne
"Robert Rooney: The Box Brownie years 1956–58" - panel speaker, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne
"TEZUKA: Introduction to manga" - Skype presentation, Edith Cowan University, Perth


Recipient of the Vizard Foundation Contemporary Art Project for the Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne
Recipient of an Australia Council grant for ongoing production of the COLOUR ME DEAD series of films, videos, animations & digital prints
Publication of the catalogue COLOUR ME DEAD by the Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne
Opening talk for MIXTAPE 1980s: Appropriation, Subculture, Critical Style - National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Artist talk, RMIT University Fine Art MFA, Melbourne; VCA MA/PhD symposium, Melbourne



THE BODY MALLEABLE (interactive animation with 4-channel surround sound) - collection display at the Museum of Old & New Art, Hobart
STADIUM - Infinite Cry To Iron (3-screen HD video) - exhibited in Sexes, Performance Space, Sydney
NORTHERN VOID (Dolby Digital quadraphonic SD video) - exhibited in 2112: Imagining The Future, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne
SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - screened in Monsterfest, Cinema Nova, Melbourne
"Bitch" by MARIA KOZIC & THE MK-SOUND (1990) - SD video installed in Taboo, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney


KISSED (live quadraphonic surround score to Andy Warhol's KISS) - ACMI Cinema, Melbourne (part of the EXPERIMENTA 5th International Biennial of Media Art)
STADIUM (live drum and sampler performance) - Adelaide Festival, Barrio, Adelaide; Super Deluxe, Tokyo; Performance Space, Sydney
I AM PIANO (live suite for piano samples) - Extremities Japan Tour - organised by Jolt Arts: Super Deluxe, Tokyo; Urban Guild, Nagoya; Bears, Osaka; KD Japon, Kyoto (all stereo versions)


MESSED UP POP SONG - Dolby Digital 5.1 score & sound design for a HD short directed by Cassandra Tytler, premiered at Westspace, Melbourne, as part of the Tyger! Tyger! series of collaborative projects
THE MAN WHO FOLDED HIMSELF - Dolby Digital 5.1 score & sound design for a HD short directed by Johann Rashid, premiered at Westspace, Melbourne, as part of the Tyger! Tyger! series of collaborative projects
JACK - Dolby Digital 5.1 score & sound design for a HD short directed by Emile Zile, premiered at Westspace, Melbourne, as part of the Tyger! Tyger! series of collaborative projects


"The Way Wakamatsu Chose His Own Fate: Political Mortality and Radical Dramaturgy" - Senses Of Cinema No.65, Melbourne
"Counter-Voicing Politics: Barack Obama campaign support ads” - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.112, Sydney
"Pop-Steak & Video-Sizzle: Mark Ronson’s Move To The Beat - for the column Audiovision, RealTime No.111, Sydney
"Copying Doctors - Consuming Cinema: Human Centipede II" - RealTime No.107, Sydney
"Island Nation: After The Tsunami" - Frieze No.144, London


COLOUR ME DEAD (live slide lecture - excerpt) - Parallel Collisions - 12th Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
Sexual Robots & Plastic Humans in Anime (extended lecture from 100 ANIME) - Keynote for the 25th Society For Animation Studies Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne; and as part of the exhibition Japan: Kingdom of Characters, College of Creative Arts Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
EVAPORATED MUSIC, Revoicing & Gendered Vocalization - keynote presentation for Remix Conference, Latrobe University, Melbourne
"DE-SIGN: Designing Music For Film" - AV Presentation: VCA Film & TV School, Melbourne


Publication of the monograph & CD HYPER MATERIAL FOR OUR VERY BRAIN by the Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane
Recipient of Art Gallery of New South Wales Paris studio residency
Artist talk, Monash University Fine Art, Melbourne



THE BODY MALLEABLE (interactive animation with 4-channel surround sound) - exhibited in Monanism, Museum of Old & New Art, Hobart
NORTHERN VOID (Dolby Digital quadraphonic SD video) - screened as part of Awfully Wonderful, Performance Space, Sydney
THE SOUND OF MILK - Prologue (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - exhibited in Awfully Wonderful, Performance Space, Sydney


EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - exhibited in Terrains, Gallery Stampa, Basel
EVAPORATED MUSIC 2 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video: stereo version) - screened at Gare Du Nord, Basel


"Relationships Between Manga and Anime" - Manga Impact: The World of Japanese Animation, Phaidan, Italy (excerpted from the introduction to 100 ANIME)
"The Sound of an Android’s Soul - Music, Muzak and MIDI in Time Of Eve" - Cinefile Vol.7 No.1, Vancouver
"Ego Logos & Euclidean Cum Shots" - catalogue essay for Emile Zile, Diane Tanzer Gallery, Melbourne
"Perilous, Pliable, Projected" - catalogue essay for Cassandra Tytler, Gallery Titank, Turku, Finland
"Swallowed By The Sound Of Music: 'I Love You' by A Taste Of Honey (1979)" - Guilty Pleasures, Circadian Songs, Singapore
"Anime At The Speed Of Thought" - catalogue essay for the DVD release of Welcome To Irabu's Office and The Tatami Galaxy, Siren Visual, Melbourne
"Auralis Sexualis: How Cartoons Conduct Paraphilia" - Funny Pictures: Animation and Comedy in Studio-Era Hollywood, University of California Press, Berkeley
"Returning The Gift: Conceptualising Music" - Real Time No.105, Sydney
"Graphic Cinema" - Artlines, 2011 - issue 4, Brisbane
"More Priapic Than Haptic: Marcel Duchamp's Etant donnes" - Australian New Zealand Journal of Art, Vol.11 No.1, Brisbane
"Howard Shore: Composing with a very wide palette" - transcription of an interview with Howard Shore for the CINESONIC International Conference on Film Scores & Sound Design, reprinted in Celluloid Symphonies: Texts and Contexts in Film Music History - edited by Julie Hubbert, University of California Press, Berkeley


EVAPORATED MUSIC, Revoicing & Gendered Vocalization - keynote presentation for Electrified Voices, University of Konstanz, Germany
Sexual Robots & Plastic Humans in Anime (extended lecture from 100 ANIME) - as part of the exhibition Japan: Kingdom of Characters, RMIT University Gallery, Melbourne; VCA Film & TV School, Melbourne
"How Anime Fucks The World (And You With It)" (extended lecture on FLCL from the presentations Sexual Robots & Plastic Humans in Anime) - as part of the conference World Cinema Now, Monash University, Melbourne
"TEZUKA: Introduction to manga" - Arc Cinema, Canberra
"DE-SIGN: Designing Music For Film" - AV Presentation: VCA Film & TV School, Melbourne
"Art & Creativity" - panel contribution for GOMA Talks, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane
"Future Horror?" - panel contribution in conjunction with the exhibition 2112: Imagining The Future, Kalaide Theatre, Melbourne
"Pink Cinema" - panel contribution for 1st Fantastic Asia Film Festival, Nova Cinema, Melbourne
"Fucking (verb) People (noun)" - panel contribution for Erotic Fan Fiction evening, The Wheeler Centre, Melbourne


Recipient of Australia Council Tokyo studio residency
Peer assessment, Australia Council panel, Sydney
Artist talk, Monash University Fine Art, Melbourne



10 FLAMING YOUTHS (4-screen digital animation with 4-channel surround sound) - exhibited in the Premier of Queensland's National New Media Art Award, the Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane
10 TRANSFORMING YOUTHS (4-screen digital animation with 4-channel surround sound) - commissioned by the City of Melbourne's Public Art Program; 2nd run screening at Signal, Melbourne
ADS (mono SD video) - Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne


I AM PIANO (live suite for piano samples) - Sonic Body, Jolt Space, Melbourne (stereo version); Monkey bar, Melbourne (quadraphonic version)
VOICELESS (live suite for sampler & voice) - Monuments, Footscray Community Arts Centre, Melbourne (quadraphonic version)


CHRONICLES OF THE NEW HUMAN ORGANISM (score by Ph2 to a video by Ian Haig)
10 FLAMING YOUTHS (4-screen digital animation with 4-channel surround sound)


VOICELESS (writer, performer, mix & production) - CD released on Sound Punch


"The 'Atomisation' of Cultural Signage (or, More Dumb Semiotics in Contemporary Art)" - National Association for the Visual Arts Quarterly, September 2010, Sydney
"War Against Pop: Saying, Singing, Suing" - Real Time No.99, October-November, Sydney
"Hey, You (or, So You Want To Talk About Art & Politics)" - Wall text series and catalogue essay for the exhibition THE POLITICS OF ART, Linden Gallery, Melbourne
"Sound: Dogtooth" - Film Comment Vol.46 No.2, March-April, New York
"Tezuka's Gekiga: Behind The Mask" - reprinted in Manga: An Anthology Of Global & Cultural Perspectives, Continuum, London
"Vocalising the Post-Human" - Voice: Vocal Aesthetics in Digital Media and Media Art, MIT Press, Massachusetts


"The Myth Of Collage In Cinema" - National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Sexual Robots & Plastic Humans in Anime (extended lecture from 100 ANIME) - VCA Film & TV School, Melbourne
"DE-SIGN: Designing Music For Film" - AV Presentation: VCA Film & TV School, Melbourne; Monash University, Melbourne


Recipient of Alliance Française / Culture France Paris studio residency (as part of the George Mora Foundation Fellowship)
Artist talk, VCA Centre for Ideas, Melbourne; Signal, Melbourne; Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane
Interviewed by The Brisbane Courier Mail - 10 FLAMING YOUTHS



10 TRANSFORMING YOUTHS (4-screen digital animation with 4-channel surround sound) - commissioned by the City of Melbourne's Public Art Program; premiered within the Melbourne International Arts Festival, Melbourne
THE BODY MALLEABLE (interactive animation with 4-channel surround sound) - exhibited in All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, Cultuursite, Mechelen, Belgium
VOX (2-screen Dolby Digital 5.1 animation) - silent outdoor projection programmed in Illume, Campbelltown Arts Centre, Sydney
VOX (2-screen Dolby Digital 5.1 animation) - exhibited in Ultra Skin, Coreana Museum of Art, Seoul


EVAPORATED MUSIC 2 (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - exhibited in Trace Elements, Performance Space, Sydney
EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (b, d + e) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - screened in Mind The Gap, Frankfurt Society for New Music, Frankfurt
FLUORESCENT (stereo mix CD from original Dolby Digital 5.1 3-screen video installation) - presented as audio only in 21:21:21, Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart
I AM PIANO (writer, performer, mix & production) - CD & DVD-R audio released on Sound Punch
FILMMUSIC Vol.2 (writer, performer, mix & production) - CD released on Sound Punch
NORTHERN VOID (co-writer/performer/mix/production with Philip Samartzis as Ph2) - CD & DVD-R audio released on Sound Punch
THE PLANETS (writer, performer, mix & production) - CD & DVD-R audio released on Sound Punch
BEAUTIFUL CYBORG 2 (writer, performer, mix & production) - CD released on Sound Punch
KISSED (writer, performer, mix & production) - CD & DVD-R audio released on Sound Punch


I AM PIANO (live suite for piano samples) - Stutter, Horse Bazaar, Melbourne (quadraphonic version); Undivided, Northcote Social Club (stereo version)


EARTH BABY - 10 channel sound design for an installation by Tomoko Konoike, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo & Kirishima Open Air Museum, Kirishima
10 TRANSFORMING YOUTHS (4-screen digital animation with 4-channel surround sound)


"Loving Hating Men" - catalogue essay for The Kingpin's Welcome To The Jingle, Video Swell, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
"Kazuna Taguchi: Silent Sirens From The Floating World" - catalogue essay for exhibition at Void+, Tokyo
"Delusional Praxis and Cinematic Immolation in Ecstasy of Angels" - Un, Vol.3 No.2, Melbourne
"Sound: A Letter To Uncle Boonme" - Film Comment Vol.45 No.5, September-October, New York
"Enlarge Your Penis Now: Script-writing as self-help for a sick industry" - catalogue essay for Emile Zile, Unheard Cinema Festival, Amsterdam
"Sound: N.Y.N.Y." - Film Comment Vol.45 No.1, January-February, New York
"Targeting Australia" - Real Time No.89, February-March, Sydney
"Pseudo Soundtracks: The Myth of Inventive Audio-Vision in Experimental Cinema" - keynote talk for the 2007 Totally Huge New Music Conference, Perth - transcribed for Sound Scripts, Vol.2, Australian Music Centre, Sydney


"Why is Australian film music so boring?" - Australian Guild of Screen Composers presentation at APRA, Melbourne
"EVAPORATED MUSIC 2: Voicing Satan" - Performance Space, Sydney; Westspace, Melbourne
"What Goes In, Comes Out" - presented as part of Tomorrow The World, Westspace, Melbourne
"DE-SIGN: Designing Music For Film" - AV Presentation: VCA Film & TV School, Melbourne; AFTRS, Melbourne


Recipient of the 2009 Georges Mora Foundation Fellowship
Recipient of the inaugural commission for Signal, City of Melbourne's Public Art Program
Artist talk, RMIT, Melbourne
Opening talk for KING PINS exhibition, Woollongong City Gallery, Woollongong
Interviewed in Mountain Fold Music Journal, Sydney
Interviewed in Richard Lowenstein's We're Living On Dogfood documentary, Melbourne



EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - exhibited in POP SHOP, MU Gallery, Eindhoven
EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - exhibited in Trace Elements, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo
EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - exhibited in Video Logic, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
EVAPORATED MUSIC 2 (a+b) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - exhibited in One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne


FLUORESCENT (stereo mix CD from original Dolby Digital 5.1 3-screen video installation) - presented as audio only in 21:100:100, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne


KISSED (live quadraphonic surround score to Andy Warhol's KISS) - Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane (part of the Andy Warhol Up Late concerts)
STADIUM (live drum and sampler performance - excerpt) - Palais Theatre, Melbourne (for the event United Artists); the Toff, Melbourne (in conjunction with the CCP)
Live performance with David Brown - part of the You Don't Have To Call It Music series, Toff, Melbourne


"Deliverer of Rants" - Photofile No.85, Sydney
"The Non-Event of Sound in Video Art" - reprinted in Video Logic, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT - commissioned for the Australian Screen Classics series, Currency Press, Sydney & the National Film & Sound Archive
"Sound : No Country For Old Men" - Film Comment Vol.44 No.2, March-April, New York
"CITIZEN KANE: The sound of the look of a 'visual masterpiece'" - Music & The Moving Image, Vol.1 No.3, University of Illinois Press, Champaign
"Where Sound Is: The Absent Aural in Film Theory" - Sage Handbook Of Film Studies, Sage Press, London
"The Unradicality of Art: Self-centring Artists, Mediarised Crackpots & Alchemical Conductors" - Biennale Critical Reader, Artspace, Sydney
"ANIME" - monthly column on anime, Empire Magazine, Sydney


Sexual Robots & Plastic Humans in Anime (extended lecture from 100 ANIME) - Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; Australian Film Television & Radio School, Melbourne
"The Visual Arts & Pop Music: Like A Cat Fucking A Dog" - contribution to the Play It Loud panel discussion for Artists' Week, Adelaide
Introduction to screening of EL TOPO - IMA event @ Dendy Cinema, Brisbane
EVAPORATED MUSIC, Revoicing & Gendered Vocalization - Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney


Artist talk, RMIT, Melbourne
Interviewed on ABC Radio National - PRISCILLA



VOX (2-screen Dolby Digital 5.1 animation) - Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne; Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane
FLUORESCENT (3-screen Dolby Digital 5.1 video installation) - Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane
NORTHERN VOID (Dolby Digital quadraphonic SD video - live surround-sound score by Ph2) - screened at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne
THE BODY MALLEABLE (interactive animation with 4-channel surround sound) - inaugural invitation work exhibited in conjunction with the Erotic Art Prize, Artrage Bakery, Perth; exhibited in Skin, National Museum of Art, Osaka
BODY MELT (35mm Dolby Surround feature film) - Revelation Perth International Film Festival, Perth


EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a,c,f,g) & 2 (a) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - Talk & screening at Footscray AudioVisual Social Club, Footscray Community Arts Centre, Melbourne
EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (c+d) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - Scanners International Video Festival, Lincoln Film Centre, New York
EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - Revelation Perth International Film Festival, Perth


AUREVELATEUR (live quadraphonic surround score to Philippe Garrel's LE REVELATEUR) - Perth (part of the Totally Huge New Music Festival)
BEAUTIFUL CYBORG 2 (live quadraphonic surround score to edited compilation of anime) - Perth (part of the Totally Huge New Music Festival)
NORTHERN VOID (Dolby Digital quadraphonic SD video - live surround-sound score by Ph2) - Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne

Composer/sound designer

VOX (2-screen Dolby Digital 5.1 animation)


TEZUKA: The Marvel of Manga - curated exhibition at Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, & the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
Focus on TEZUKA - curated film programme at the Chauvel Cinema, Sydney; Australian Cinematheque, Brisbane; Mercury Cinema, Adelaide; Revelation - Perth International Film Festival, Perth


"Die, Warhol, Die" - catalogue essay for the exhibition ANDY WARHOL, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane
"Sound : Seven Easy Pieces" - Film Comment Vol.43 No.6, November-December, New York
"Corrupted By Depth" - catalogue essay to Gary Carsley's Scenic Root, Contemporary Art Projects Space, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
"Sound : Linda Linda Linda" - Film Comment Vol.43 No.4, July-August, New York
"How Sound Floats On Land (excerpt)" - Beyond The Soundtrack: Representing Music in Cinema, University of California, Berkeley
"Sonic - Atomic - Pneumonic: Apocalyptic Echoes in Japanese Animation" - Illusion of Life 2: Essays On Animation, Power Publications, Sydney (from original presentation at the Illusion of Life conference, MCA, Sydney, 1995)
"PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE - From Muzak to Prozac & Beyond" - (extended from entry in 100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS) FFWD Magazine No.4, January, Rome
"2006 Critics' Top Ten" - Film Comment Vol.43 No.1, January-February, New York
"'n_scape' & 'Becoming' as Acts of Japanese Art" - Bijutsu Techo Vol.59, No.890, January 2007, Tokyo
"The 50 Best Things About Anime" - Empire (Australian edition), January 2007, Sydney
"The RAPT! symposium: a wandering wrap-up of ideas surfaced" - catalogue essay for RAPT! 20 CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS FROM JAPAN Volume 2, Tokyo/Melbourne
"Prismatic Japan: Angles on Contemporary Art from Japan" - catalogue essay for RAPT! 20 CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS FROM JAPAN, Tokyo/Melbourne


Sexual Robots and Plastic Humans in Anime - (extended lecture from 100 ANIME) - special lecture tour commissioned by the Consul of Japan & the Japanese Embassy, New Zealand & the Japan Foundation: University of Canterbury, Christchurch; Victoria UNiversity, Wellington; the Japan Information & Culture Centre, Wellington; Auckland Museum, Auckland
"Andy Warhol - Symposium" - in conjunction with the opening of the exhibition Andy Warhol, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane
"Australian Art after Andy Warhol" - panel discussion in conjunction with the exhibition Totally Huge New Music Festival, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane
"Writer's Talk" - floor talk on select Warhol works in the exhibition Totally Huge New Music Festival, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane
"From Boring Video Art to Pseudo Cinema" - talk in conjunction with the exhibition Centre Pompidou Video Art 1965-2005, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne
"Pseudo Soundtracks: The Myth of Inventive Audio-Vision in Experimental Cinema" - keynote talk for the Totally Huge New Music Conference, Perth
"TEZUKA: From manga to anime" - Chauvel Cinema, Sydney; Australian Cinematheque, Brisbane; Totally Huge New Music Festival, Perth
"TEZUKA: Introduction to manga" - Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; Asian Art Museum of San Francisco; Brisbane Writers Festival, Brisbane
"DE-SIGN: Designing Music For Film" - AV Presentation: VCA Film & TV School, Melbourne; Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, Perth


Various artist talks: Monash University, Victorian College of the Arts, RMIT University, Swinburne Institute of Technology (all Melbourne); Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane
Interviewed in The Daily Telegraph, The Sydney Morning Herald, J-Style, ABC Asia Pacific (all Sydney) - TEZUKA: The Marvel of Manga
Interviewed in San Francisco Chronicle, Wire.com, Berkeley Radio, Kron 4 TV, Nichi Bei Times (all San Francisco) - TEZUKA: The Marvel of Manga
Interviewed in The Age, Preston Leader, Radio National, 3RRR (all Melbourne) - NORTHERN VOID
Drum Media, RTR-FM (Perth): AUREVELATEUR
Profile in Broadsheet Vol.36 No.1, Adelaide
Casual lecturing: Contemporary Traces of The Modern Soundtrack at RMIT, Melbourne (every second year to 2018)



FLUORESCENT (3-screen Dolby Digital 5.1 video installation) - exhibited in Singapore Biennale 2006, Singapore
THE BODY MALLEABLE (interactive animation with 4-channel surround sound) - exhibited in the Anne Landa Award for Media Art, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney


EVAPORATED MUSIC 2 (a) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - exhibited at Artspace, Sydney
EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - exhibited as part of Interface, Vasserspaicher, Berlin


AUREVELATEUR (live quadraphonic surround score to Philippe Garrel's LE REVELATEUR) - Powerhouse, Brisbane & Deckchair Cinema, Darwin (part of Sounds Unusual Festival of New Music)
BEAUTIFUL CYBORG 2 (live quadraphonic surround score to edited compilation of anime) - Powerhouse, Brisbane
I AM PIANO (live suite for piano samples) - Liquid Architecture 7, Arts House, Melbourne (quadraphonic version); Wine Bar, Auckland (stereo version)
HEAT - live surround-sound score by Ph2 to video by Dominic Redfern - Interface, Vasserspaicher, Berlin
UNTITLED - live surround-sound score with Marc Behrens to video by Springer/Parker - Interface, Vasserspaicher, Berlin
I AM PIANO (writer, performer, mix & production) - track "I AM DAVE BRUBECK" included on the Liquid Architecture 7 CD


LOVESTRUCK (SD featurette) - directed by Megan Spencer & produced by Rosemary Blythe; premiered at 55th Melbourne International Film Festival
NO ANSWER - 6-channel surround sound to sculptural installation by Martine Corompt - commissioned for the Laneway Commissions 2006, City of Melbourne


TEZUKA: The Marvel of Manga - curated exhibition for the National Gallery of Victoria International, Melbourne
Focus on TEZUKA - curated film programme for the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne


Editor of TEZUKA: The Marvel of Manga, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
"Sound: Katsuhito Ishii's Funky Forest" - Film Comment Vol.42 No.6, November-December, New York
"Epiphanies: John Cage (not)" - The Wire, No. 273, November, London
"Toru Takemitsu Golden Cinema Week" - contribution to poll conducted for the film programme of the exhibition Toru Takemitsu: Visions in Time, Tokyo Opera City Gallery, Tokyo
"Monster Island: Godzilla & Japanese sci-fi/horror/fantasy" - reprinted in Asian Cinemas, ed. Dimitris Eleftheriotis & Gary Needham, University of Hawaii Press
"Misreading Manga" - TEZUKA: The Marvel of Manga, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
"Tezuka's Gekiga: Behind The Mask" - TEZUKA: The Marvel of Manga, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
"Singapore Biennale 2006" - Flash, October, Melbourne
"Sound: Michael Haneke's 71 Fragments" - Film Comment Vol.42 No.5, September-October, New York
"Sound: Sayajit Ray's The Chess Players" - Film Comment Vol.42 No.4, July-August, New York
"Sound: Alexander Sukurov's The Sun" - Film Comment Vol.42 No.3, May-June, New York
"L'Amour Japan: Recent Frissons in Japanese Cinema" - Metro Magazine, No. 149, Melbourne
"Favourite Things: Edouard Detaille's Vive l'empereur (1891)" - Commissioned by The Good Weekend - unpublished due to use of the word "precum", Melbourne
"Dragging Wild Angels, Fat Hogs & Cycle Sluts Down To Hell" - Catalogue essay for the King Pins' RHAPSODY HAPPPENS - reprinted for the Gertrude Contemporary Art Space exhibition, Melbourne
"Anime & Manga" - Tokyo Lonely Planet Guide, Melbourne
"Manga & Anime in Australia" - Wochi Kochi No.13, Tokyo


"TEZUKA: From manga to anime" - Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne
"Drag Mash" - Panel Participant, Gertrude Contemporary Art Space, Melbourne
"TEZUKA: Introduction to manga" - National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
"n_scape Japan: Traversing Contemporary Japanese Art" - panel contribution for the RAPT! 20 Contemporary Artists From Japan symposium, Asialink, Melbourne
"FLUORESCENT & other fucked-up things" - Singapore Biennale 2006, Singapore
"GANTZ: Evacuating the Self" - (extended lecture from 100 ANIME) presented as a Popcorn Taxi event for the Melbourne launch of the book, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne; presented as a Dendy Cinemas Special Event, Dendy Opera Quays, Sydney; presented by FullScreen, Australian National Gallery, Canberra
Sexual Robots and Plastic Humans in Anime - (extended lecture from 100 ANIME) - Australian Film TV &, Radio School, Sydney
"METROPOLIS: Imagined Cities, Suppressed Architecture, Remembered Spirits" - (extended lecture from 100 ANIME) - University of Queensland, Brisbane
"DE-SIGN: Designing Music For Film" - AV Presentation: University of Edinburgh, UK; AFTRS, Sydney; VCA Film & TV School, Melbourne; Tokyo National University of Fine Arts, Japan
"AKIRA: Post-atomic landscapes & post-sonic mindscapes" - (extended lecture from 100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS) University of Liverpool, UK; Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane
"MAGNOLIA - Vocal Noise, Multiplied Music and Song-As-Narrative" - (extended lecture from 100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS) Royal Holloway University of London, UK


Cultural consultant for RAPT! 20 Contemporary Artists From Japan organized by the Japan Foundation, Tokyo, for exhibition in Melbourne
Recipient of a New Media Arts Fellowship from the Australia Council (year 2 of 2)
Recipient of an Australian Film Commission Travel Grant for International Market attendance: SOUND OF MILK
Interviewed in Fridae-com, Singapore: FLUORESCENT
Interviewed in MX, Anime Snack Time (Madman podcast), Nichigo Press, Beat, N-Press, Radio National (all Melbourne), The South China Morning Post, Hong Kong & The Daily Interviewed in Telegraph & The Australian (both Sydney): TEZUKA: The Marvel of Manga
Interviewed in Financial Review, Sydney & The Australian, Sydney: RAPT! and contemporary Japanese art
Interviewed in Scene, Rave & Time-Off, Brisbane: AUREVELATEUR and BEAUTIFUL CYBORG 2
Interviewed in Australian, Drum Media & Radio National Movie Time, Sydney: 100 ANIME
Interviewed on Radio National: Paul Verhoven's Showgirls
Profile in Photofile No. 77, Sydney
Casual lecturing: Historical Markers of The Modern Soundtrack at RMIT, Melbourne (every second year to 2019)



THE SOUND OF MILK - Prologue (silent trailer version of SD video) - - screened as part of Box 2, Federation Square Public Screen, Melbourne


AUREVELATEUR (writer, performer, mix & production) - CD released on Sound Punch


I AM PIANO (live suite for piano samples) - Articulating Space Concert 3, Ignifuge, Melbourne (also recorded live and broadcast on ABD radio)
JANET LEIGH (DEAD) by Ph2 - 8-channel version, Experimedia, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne


THE PINING TREE - stereo score to digital animation by Rosemary Dean


AURAL GAZING - Japanese Audiovision - commissioned for the Experimenta Vanishing Point programme, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne


TRACES OF SOUNDTRACKS - 4 part radio series on 20th Century film composers, commissioned by ABC Radio and broadcast nationally on ABC Classical FM


100 ANIME - book on Japanese animation, commissioned by the British Film Institute, London
100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS - book on film scores & sound design, translated into Japanese, published by Film Art, Tokyo
100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS - book on film scores & sound design, released in the US through University of California Press
"Mayhem, Magic & Maelstroms - the animation of Studio Ghibli" - original catalogue notes excerpted and reprinted in the reprinted in New Zealand International Film Festivals, touring Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin and Christchurch
"ARASHI GA OKA: The Sound of the World Turned Inside-Out" - Japanese Horror Cinema, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh
"Dragging Wild Angels, Fat Hogs & Cycle Sluts Down To Hell" - Catalogue essay for the King Pins' RHAPSODY HAPPPENS, Artspace, Sydney
"Cine Rock - An Embarrassment of Riches" - CD notes for MORPHO by Morpho (Dave Brown & David Waddleton), Doctor Jim Records, Melbourne
"Smells Like Risky Business" - catalogue essay for the RISK exhibition, Kings ARI, Melbourne
"Being There" - catalogue essay for Dominic Redfern's BEING THERE, reprinted in A SHORT RIDE IN A FAST MACHINE, edited by Charlotte Day, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne
"Curating Video Art 101" - Photofile, No.74, Sydney


"DE-SIGN: Designing Music For Film" - AV Presentation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; University of Iowa, Iowa City
"THE CONVERSATION: Invisibility, Silence & Inner Emptiness" - (extended lecture from 100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS) University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; University of Iowa, Iowa City
"THE COLOUR OF POMMEGRANATES: Lyrics, Icons and Other Musical States" - (extended lecture from 100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS) Fordham University, New York
"RESIDENT EVIL: Neural Sound Design and Noise Attacks" - (extended lecture from 100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS) Storytelling: Interactivity, Sound & Music, AFTRS, Sydney
"THE EXORCIST: Satanic Vocalization & Bodily Sounds" - (extended lecture from 100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS) Screen Studies & Research, AFTRS, Sydney
"EVAPORATED MUSIC & the Abject in Pop Music" - AGI Ideas Conference of Design, Melbourne
"Studio Ghibli - interview with Toshio Suzuki" - onstage Q+A with Toshio Suzuki for the Australian premiere of HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE, Sydney International Film Festival
"Multiple popisms and the post-Murakami effect in contemporary Japanese art" - panel contribution, RISING SUN - Japanese Culture Today, Asialink Arts Annual Forum, Sydney Myer Asia Centre, Melbourne
"Yes - Media Art in Australia still sucks" - panel contribution, VITAL SIGNS, Australian Centre for Moving Image, Melbourne


Cultural consultant for touring exhibition of contemporary Japanese art in Australia 2006, Japan Foundation, Tokyo
Recipient of a New Media Arts Fellowship from the Australia Council (year 1 of 2)
Visiting Professor, Film & Comparative Literature, graduate programme, Iowa University
Designer/presenter of short course on composing for film, AFTRS, Sydney
Performer in The Kingpins' 30 BPM slide-show, Kaliman Gallery, Sydney
Interviewed on SBS TV "The Movie Show": 100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS book
Interviewed in Res Magazine, New York: EVAPORATED MUSIC
Profile in Poster No.8, Melbourne



THE SOUND OF MILK - Prologue (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - screened as part of DESCORE 2 - Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne
WORDS IN MY MOUTH, VOICES IN MY HEAD (Anna) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - screened as part of DESCORE 2 - Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne + as part of Resfest, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne & Dendy Opera House Cinema, Sydney
FLUORESCENT (3-screen Dolby Digital 5.1 DVD installation) - commissioned for the Contemporary Art Projects, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
THE BODY MALLEABLE (interactive animation with 4-channel surround sound) - commissioned by the Digital Arts Fund for the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne - exhibited in 2004, ACMI, Melbourne


EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-f) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - exhibited at Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne
EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-c) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video: stereo version) - exhibited in Video Hits, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane
EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (c+d) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video: stereo version) - tours in I Thought I Knew But I Was Wrong - New Video Art From Australia, Jamjuree Gallery & Chulalongkorn University Gallery, Bangkok; Beijing Millennium Monument (MAAP)


AUREVELATEUR (live quadraphonic surround score to Philippe Garrel's LE REVELATEUR) - commissioned for the 54th Melbourne International Film Festival
BEAUTIFUL CYBORG 2 (live quadraphonic surround score to edited compilation of anime) - Australian National Gallery, Canberra
THE PLANETS - Loop, Melbourne
SILENCE AND CRY by Ph2 - Immersion 3, Westspace, Melbourne


ANYONE HOME - Dolby Digital 5.1 score to video short by Rosemary Dean
WE GOTTA GET OUTTA THIS PLACE - Dolby Digital 5.1 score to digital animation by Phillipa Murray
THE BODY MALLEABLE (interactive animation with 4-channel surround sound)
BUGS ALIVE! - short score commissioned by the Museum of Melbourne
STATION PIER - commissioned by the Immigration Museum of Melbourne


DESCORE 1+2 - (7 independently funded digital shorts centred on collaborations between directors and composers working in Dolby Digital 5.1 film scores) - staged at Australian Centre for the Moving Image and supported by Sound Punch Records, ACMI & Arts Victoria (Music For The Future)
DECOMPOSITION - (compilation of recent scores by Melbourne composers) - released on Sound Punch Records and launched at Loop, Melbourne; produced with support from Arts Victoria (Music For The Future)


100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS - book on film scores & sound design, commissioned by the British Film Institute, London
"Dumb About Japan" - Mesh, No.17, Melbourne
"Osamu Tezuka & Astro Boy" - notes to DVD box set of the 1980 colour ASTRO BOY, released in special edition by Madman Entertainment, Melbourne, 2004 (revised and adapted from the 1995 Melbourne International Film Festival catalogue introduction)
"Legions in the Ceiling" - UN, No.2, Melbourne
"Picture Perfect Political Art" - UN, No.1, Melbourne
"My Dreadful Failure as an Australian Filmmaker" - Spinach7, No.3, Melbourne
"The City is a Sewer" - complete unedited version reprinted in catalogue for Callum Morton's More Talk About Buildings & Mood, MCA Publications, Sydney
"I Am Van Helsing" - catalogue essay for Escape Option, Westspace, Melbourne
"Wire: Cinesonic" - review column on film soundtracks in The Wire No. 249, London, October
"Music for the films of Joel & Ethan Coen" - transciption of talk delivered by Carter Burwell for the CINESONIC International Conference on Film Scores & Sound Design, reprinted in The Coen Brothers’ Fargo - edited by William G. Luhr, Cambridge University Press, UK
"Horrality - The Textuality of the Contemporary Horror Film" - reprinted in Gothic: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, edited by Fred Botting & Dale Townshead, Routledge, London


"DE-SIGN: Designing Music For Film" - AV Presentation, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne - supported by Sound Punch Records, ACMI & Arts Victoria (Music For The Future)
"Fashion as Body-Becoming, Post-Cloth, & Inverted Gesture" - Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, as part of Intermesh forum on fashion
"How Sound Floats On Land (excerpt)" - Beyond The Soundtrack Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
"FLUORESCENT & other fucked-up things" - ARTEXPRESS, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
"EVAPORATED MUSIC & the Abject in Pop Music" - Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane; Musashino Art University, Tokyo; Kyushu Institute of Design, Fukuoka
EVAPORATED MUSIC, Revoicing & Gendered Vocalization - University of New South Wales, Sydney
"THE BODY MALLEABLE & the Myth of Interactivity" - Digit04 Conference on Design, Sydney; ATOM conference, Melbourne; ACMI, Melbourne


Participant in National Gallery of Victoria/Australian Centre of the Moving Image Colloquium in the development of the 2004 joint-exhibition @ NGV/ACMI, Melbourne
Designer/presenter of short course on composing for film, AFTRS, Sydney
Panel member for assessment of City Of Melbourne Arts Projects grants
Guest lecturer at VCA Film & TV, Melbourne; VCA Music, Melbourne
Recipient of funding from Arts Victoria (Music For The Future) toward staging the DE-SIGN AV presentation and the DESCORE film/music events at the Australian Centre of the Moving Image, Melbourne, and the DECOMPOSITION compilation CD launch at Loop, Melbourne
Recipient of funding from Australian Film Commission (Strand X) for production of THE SOUND OF MILK (Prologue) SD video
Recipient of funding from Asia Link for an arts residency in Japan (Tokyo/Osaka/Kobe/Fukuoka)
Interviewed in The Age, Melbourne: DE-SIGN and DESCORE sound-design/film-music events
Interviewed in Dublin Times: 100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS book
Interviewed on ABC Radio National: 100 MODERN SOUNDTRACKS book
Interviewed in Sydney Morning Herald: on Hayao Miyazaki
Profile in Insider, Sydney
Profile in Fiend, Melbourne



EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-c) (Dolby Digital SD video) exhibited in Video Store at Foxy Gallery, New York; screened in the 1st Adelaide International Film Festival; exhibited in Treatment at the Institute for Modern Art, Brisbane
CD album ROCK for HONEYSMACK (producer/co-composer/performer) - released by Smelly/Shock Records


BEAUTIFUL CYBORG 2 (live 4-channel surround score to edited compilation of anime) - 1st Adelaide International Film Festival, Adelaide
THE PLANETS - First Floor, Melbourne; Revolver, Melbourne
THE CAVERN OF DEEP TONES (quadraphonic version) - Liquid Architecture 4, Brisbane Powerhouse, Brisbane
VOICELESS - Variable Resistance 4, Westspace, Melbourne
SECRET ACTS WITHIN 4 WALLS by Ph2 - Soft & Hard, E2A4, Melbourne


Live score by Ph2 to Dominic Redfern's "Smoke Screen" - Phantom Image 2, Public Office, Melbourne
Live score to Dominic Redfern's "Glitch" - Phantom Image 1, E2A4, Melbourne
HOUSE SECRETS - sound design for a series of interactives commissioned by the Museum of Melbourne for the Scienceworks, Melbourne
GAS - muzak for sculptural installation by Callum Morton, premiered at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney


"The Animation Of Sound" - edited version reprinted in Movie Music: The Film Reader, Routledge, New York
"Wire: Cinesonic" - review column on film soundtracks in The Wire No. 231, London, May
CD notes for HONEYSMACK's ROCK CD, Smelly/Shock Records
"Celluloid Symphony" - Beomag (The Bang & Olufsen Magazine), Winter 2003, Melbourne
"Noise Factory" - Beomag (The Bang & Olufsen Magazine), Winter 2003, Melbourne
"Oooh You're Hot" - catalogue essay for Chris Langton exhibition, Tolarno Gallery, Melbourne
"Burnt In Burnt Out" - catalogue essay for Phip Murray animation, ABC Strange Attractors national website/gallery
"The City is a Sewer" - catalogue essay (pathetically edited) for Callum Morton, part of the FACE UP exhibition of contemporary Australian Art, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin


"Manga as Art" in conjunction with The Beauty of Transience in Japanese Art - Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
"Rock Stars & Fag Hags - Art & Pop Music" - Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
"Sounds of Sex & Violence" - 1st Adelaide International Film Festival, Adelaide
I Am Robot & Proud - Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne
Introduction to opening screening of Spirited Away - ACMI, Melbourne


ARIA Judge: Best Soundtrack, ARIA Awards, Sydney
APRA/AGSC Judge, Melbourne
Interviewed on Radio National: on Osamu Tezuka
Interviewed in The Age: on Hayao Miyazaki
Interviewed in Metro: on film scores & sound design
Project assessor for City of Melbourne arts grants
Selection for Australian Film Commission's "Let's Do Lunch" project development meetings - THE SOUND OF MILK (feature) - with producer Julie Marlowe
Resign from lecturing in Sound and Soundtrack at RMIT Media Arts department, Melbourne



BODY MELT (35mm Dolby Surround feature) - screens as part of Screen Life: Videos From Australia, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte, Reina Sofia, Spain & Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Zealand
GIVE ME LIBERTY by HONEYSMACK (music video for Zomba Records)
Completion of script for THE SOUND OF MILK (feature film)


EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-c) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - screened in Liquid Architecture 3, Treasury Theatre, Melbourne; Screen Life: Videos From Australia, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte, Reina Sofia, Spain & Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Zealand
FILMMUSIC Vol.1 (writer, performer, mix & production) - CD released on Sound Punch
JANET LEIGH (DEAD) by Ph2 (co-writer, performer, mix & production) - CD released in Dolby Surround on Sound Punch
BEAUTIFUL CYBORG 1 by Philip Brophy, Francois Tetaz & Darrin Verhagen (co-writer, performer, co-mix & co-production) - CD released in Dolby Surround on Sound Punch
CD single GIVE ME LIBERTY for HONEYSMACK (producer/co-composer/performer) - released by Zomba Records
CD single DANCE for HONEYSMACK (producer/co-composer/performer) - released by Zomba Records


BEAUTIFUL CYBORG 2 (live quadraphonic surround score to edited compilation of anime) - for Japanime 2, Sydney & Melbourne
BEAUTIFUL CYBORG 1 (live quadraphonic surround score to edited compilation of anime) - co-composed and performed with Francois Tetaz & Darrin Verhagen - Kino Cinema, Melbourne


WHISPERING IN THE DARK (16mm short) - directed by Lynne B. Williams & produced by Aida Innocente; funded by the Australian Film Commission & Cinemedia; premiered at St.Kilda Film Festival


"Sound: George Lucas' Star Wars Ep.2'" - Film Comment Vol.38 No.4, New York
"Wire: Cinesonic" - review column on film soundtracks in The Wire No. 226, London, December 2002
"Sound:'Furi Kuri'" - Film Comment Vol.38 No.6, New York
"Baby You're The Right Kind of Wrong - Pop Music, Cinema & Other Holes" - Photofile No.66, Sydney
"Vinyl Fantasy" Gloss No.4, Melbourne
"Microsonica" - CD notes for Lazy's MICROSONICS CD, Doctor Jim Records
Catalogue notes for Vanessa Sowerwine's Play With Me, Centre of Contemporary Photography, Melbourne
"Sonic Occupancy: A Brief Walk Through Sampling, Sensation & Space" - reprinted in Red No.1, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne
"I Scream In Silence - Cinema, Sex & The Sound Of Women Dying" - excerpt reprinted in Senses of Cinema No.22, Sept-Oct 2002, Melbourne (original version in CINESONIC: The World Of Sound In Film - book published by AFTRS, Sydney, 1999)
"John Zorn Interview" - reprinted in Cartoon Music, edited by Daniel Goldmark & Yuval Talor, A Capella, New York (original version in KABOOM - Explosive Animation from America & Japan - book published by Museum of Contemporary Art Publications, Sydney, 1994)


"Noise & Conduction (With Passing Reference To The Absence Of Ideas In Australian Cinema)" - Australian Screen Directors Association conference, Sydney
"Q&A session with Takuji Endo: WXIII: Patlabor" - Japanime 2, Dendy Cinemas, Sydney & Kino Cinemas, Melbourne


Recipient of funding from the Digital Arts Fund through Cinemedia for development of THE BODY MALLEABLE interactive animation
Launch address for Justin Clemments' poetry CD - Readings, Melbourne
ARIA Judge: Best Soundtrack, ARIA Awards, Sydney



BODY MELT (35mm Dolby stereo feature film) - Melbourne Cinématheque, Melbourne


BEAUTIFUL CYBORG 1 (live quadraphonic surround score to edited compilation of anime) - co-composed and performed with Francois Tetaz & Darrin Verhagen for the 50th Melbourne International Film Festival


BLOW (16mm short) - directed by Marie Craven & produced by Lizzette Atkins; funded by the Australian Film Commission & Cinemedia; premiered at 50th Melbourne International Film Festival
ESCAPE FROM ANDRAXUS - 6 channel soundtrack commissioned by the Museum of Melbourne for the Melbourne Planetarium, Scienceworks, Melbourne
LAUNCH PAD - 6 channel soundtrack commissioned by the Museum of Melbourne for the Melbourne Planetarium, Scienceworks, Melbourne


CINESONIC - 4th International Conference On Film Scores & Sound Design - Treasury Theatre, Melbourne
LIPOSUCTION - Compilation CD - for the Sound Art issue of Like No.15, Melbourne


Editor of CINESONIC: Experiencing The Soundtrack - AFTRS Publishing, Sydney (collected essays/ talks/interviews from CINESONIC 3rd International Conference On Film Scores & Sound Design)
Guest editor for special Sound Art issue - Like No.15, Melbourne
"Funny Accents: The Sound of Racism" - CINESONIC: Experiencing The Soundtrack, AFTRS Publishing, Sydney
"In Memoriam: Jack Nitzsche" - CINESONIC: Experiencing The Soundtrack, AFTRS Publishing, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Bring It On" - Real Time No.41, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Cast Away" - Real Time No.42, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Crazy" - Real Time No.43, Sydney
"Local Noise: Australian Film Sound & Music" - Metro No.127, Melbourne
"Pale Glitter - Fat Sound" - catalogue essay for exhibition None More Blacker, 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne
"Suburbia" - CD notes for the Underground Lovers' Mallboy soundtrack CD, Silvertone Records
"Techno Collapse - Sound in the Age of Mechanical Malfunction" - Like No.15, Melbourne


"Body Mats & Super Slams: Sport, Sound & Violence" - CINESONIC 4th International Conference on Films Scores & Sound Design, Treasury Theatre, Melbourne
"Sound & Music in Film" - 3rd Indigenous Narrative Initiative, Australian Film Commission, Sydney
"Door Bitches, Nymphomaniacs, Interior Decorators & Other Curators" - curatorial Lab, Ian Potter Gallery, Melbourne


Recipient of funding by Film Victoria for THE SOUND OF MILK (feature) - 4th draft with script editor Monica Zetlin, & readers Kim Gyngell & Alice Garner
Recipient of funding from City Of Melbourne + Cinemedia + the Australian Film Commission for CINESONIC 4th International Conference On Film Scores & Sound Design
Advisory Board member, Like magazine, Melbourne
Interviewed on Radio National: on urine
Project assessor for City of Melbourne arts grants



EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-b) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video: stereo version) - exhibited in Rent at Overgaden Gallery, Copenhagen & the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne
EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (a-c) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - presented as work-in-progress in 4 channel sound projection at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne
EVAPORATED MUSIC 1 (c) (Dolby Digital 5.1 SD video) - exhibited in stereo as part of Liberty, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne
Film score by The Underground Lovers for Mallboy (producer/engineer)
Promo CD single for I WANT YOU by HONEYSMACK (producer/co-composer/performer) - released by Zomba Records
Exhibition CD single for Martine Corompt's Wild Boy exhibition (producer) - Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne


THE CAVERN OF DEEP TONES (stereo deconstruction version) - Australian Centre for Contemporary Art; The Lounge, Melbourne
LAZY3 (collaborative trio with Dave Brown & Sean Baxter) - Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne


MALLBOY (35mm Dolby Stereo feature) - directed by Vince Giarrusso & produced by Fiona Eagger; funded by the Australian Film Commission & SBS; premiered at the 49th Melbourne International Film Festival


A LUST FOR VIOLENCE - Seijun Suzuki (retrospective) - 49th Melbourne International Film Festival
CINESONIC - 3rd International Conference On Film Scores & Sound Design - Capitol Theatre & Treasury Theatre, Melbourne


Editor of CINESONIC - Cinema & the Sound of Music - AFTRS Publishing, Sydney (collected essays/talks/interviews from CINESONIC 2nd International Conference On Film Scores & Sound Design)
"Please - No More Boring Video Art" - Like No.8, Melbourne
"The Scent of Pacino" - Senses of Cinema No.6, Melbourne
"In Memoriam: Jack Nitzsche" - Senses of Cinema No.9, Melbourne & APRAP December
"Seijun Suzuki: A Lust for Violence - Suzuki overview & screening notes" - 49th Melbourne International Film Festival catalogue
"Sonic Occupancy: A Brief Walk Through Sampling, Sensation & Space" - special RENT issue of Ojeblikket, #3, Vol.10, Copenhagen
"Monster Island: Godzilla & Japanese sci-fi/horror/fantasy" - Postcolonial Studies, Vol.3, No.1, London
"Mayhem, Magic & Maelstroms - the Animation of Studio Ghibli"- reprinted in the catalogue to the 23rd New Zealand International Film Festival, Dunedin
"Cinesonics: Walking With Dinosaurs" - Real Time No.35, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Magnolia" - Real Time No.36 & 37 (two parts), Sydney
"Cinesonics: The Straight Story" - Real Time No.38, Sydney
"Cinesonics: The Virgin Suicides" - Real Time No.40, Sydney
"How Sound Floats On Land" - CINESONIC: Cinema & The Sound of Music, AFTRS Publishing, Sydney
"Being There" - catalogue for Dominic Redfern's BEING THERE, 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne
"Horrality - The Textuality of the Contemporary Horror Film" - reprinted in The Horror Reader, edited by Ken Gelder, Routledge, London


"Techno Collapse - Sound in the Age of Mechanical Malfunction" - delivered as part of the Fluxus retrospective @ RMIT Gallery, Melbourne
Opening address for Cindy Sherman's Office Killer, George Cinemas, Melbourne
"Osamu Tezuka's Manga" - Japanime Festival, Sydney
"Funny Accents: The Sound of Racism" - CINESONIC 3rd International Conference on Films Scores & Sound Design, Capitol Theatre & Treasury Theatre, Melbourne
Panel discussion on Academic vs. Pop Music, Sonic Residue 2, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art


Recipient of funding from City Of Melbourne + Cinemedia + the Australian Film Commission for CINESONIC - 3rd International Conference on Films Scores & Sound Design
Soundtrack consultancy report commissioned by Cinemedia for the building of the Australian Centre for the Moving Image
ARIA Judge: Best Soundtrack, ARIA Awards, Sydney
Interviewed on ABC Arts Show: on FLUXUS
Interviewed on ABC Radio National: on music in films
Interviewed in Brisbane Courier Mail: on Japanese animation & Pokemon
Interviewed in The Australian: on Japanese animation
Project assessor for City of Melbourne arts grants



WALK ON ACID by HONEYSMACK (music video for Smelly Records)


THE CAVERN OF DEEP TONES (writer, performer, mix & production) - CD released in Dolby Surround on Sound Punch
BIONIC BLUE BUBBLEGUM SLURPEE by Ph2 (co-writer, performer, mix & production) - CD released in Dolby Surround on Sound Punch
ONE LARGE MAGNETIC CARTRIDGE by LAZY3 (co-writer, performer, mix & production) - CD released on Sound Punch


LAZY3 (collaborative trio with Dave Brown & Sean Baxter) - The Continental, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, The Punter's Club, the Percy Grainger Museum
BIONIC BLUE BUBBLEGUM SLURPEE by Ph2 - The Continental, The Punter's Club (both in stereo version); the Percy Grainger Museum (outdoor quadraphonic presentation)
JANET LEIGH (DEAD) by Ph2 - Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Anna Schwartz Gallery
Collaboration with HONEYSMACK Revolver Upstairs - tracks released on the Honeysmack CD FLICK BUBBLE
Collaboration between Ph2 + Honeysmack as Phoneysmack - Laundry
"Swarm" (excerpt from THE CAVERN OF DEEP TONES) - presented in Dolby Digital playback as part of Immersion, Treasury Theatre, Melbourne


Live score to Dominic Redfern's "Smoke Screen" - Videosonic, ALT-TV screen, Melbourne


CINESONIC - 2nd International Conference On Film Scores & Sound Design - RMIT, Melbourne


Editor of CINESONIC - The World of Sound in Film - AFTRS Publishing, Sydney (collected essays/talks/interviews from CINESONIC 1st International Conference On Film Scores & Sound Design)
"Being Blind: A Polemical Manual for Using New Audiovisual Technologies" - Iris No.27 - special issue on the state of sound studies, Paris
"The Birds: The Triumph of Noise Over Music" - Essays In Sound No.4, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Something About Mary, Velvet Goldmine, The Boys, Vampires + Boogies Nights" - Real Time No.29, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Neon Genesis Evangelion" - Real Time No.31, Sydney
"Cinesonics: I Stand Alone + Run Lola Run" - Real Time No.32, Sydney
"Cinesonics: The Haunting" - Real Time No.33, Sydney
"I Scream In Silence - Cinema, Sex & The Sound Of Women Dying" - CINESONIC: The World of Sound in Film, AFTRS Publishing, Sydney
"Flick Bubble" - CD notes for HONEYSMACK's FLICK BUBBLE CD
"Empty" - catalogue for Glen Sloggett's Empty,Centre of Contemporary Art, Melbourne


"How Sound Floats On Land" - CINESONIC - 2nd International Conference On Film Scores & Sound Design, RMIT, Melbourne
"The Rising Sun Set: The West's Fascination with Japan", panel discussion, The Melbourne Writer's Festival, Melbourne
"Re-inventing Tradition and Reverence for the Superficial", Asian Arts Society forum, Caulfield Arts Centre, Melbourne
"Dolby Stereo & issues of sound and silence in recordable space" - Immersion, Treasury Theatre, Melbourne


Recipient of funding from City Of Melbourne, Cinemedia + the Australian Film Commission for CINESONIC - 2nd International Conference On Film Scores & Sound Design
Interviewed on Radio National: on orchestral film scores
Interviewed on Radio National: on sound design
Interviewed in The Age, Melbourne: on Japanese manga & animation
Interviewed on The Age, Melbourne: on sound design
Interviewed on The Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney: on sound design
Interviewed on The Courier, Brisbane: on Japanese manga & animation
Project assessor for City of Melbourne arts grants



LAZY3 (collaborative trio with Dave Brown & Sean Baxter) - Sub Terrain, Melbourne; The Public Bar, Melbourne
BIONIC BLUE BUBBLEGUM SLURPEE by Ph2 (quadraphonic live collaboration) - Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art; Revolver Upstairs, Slappo's


PARADISE (16mm short) - directed by Illana Schulman & produced by Lizzette Atkins; funded by the Australian Film Commission & Cinemedia; premiered at the 47th Melbourne International Film Festival


FUNKY! FOXY! FREAKY! Blaxploitation retrospective - 47th Melbourne International Film Festival
CINESONIC - 1st International Conference On Film Scores & Sound Design - RMIT, Melbourne


"Mayhem, Magic & Maelstroms - the animation of Studio Ghibli" - incorporated into the Asian Shadows Film Festival, UCLA, Los Angeles
"Funky! Freaky! Foxy! Blaxploitation" - 47th Melbourne International Film Festival catalogue
"Dark Plastic: The Art of Maria Kozic" - Free Life With Franchise, Mambo Publications, Sydney
"Hope You Die Before I Get Old" - Like No. 5, Melbourne
"Black Holes on the Soundtrack Part 2" - The Wire No.167, January, London
"Picturing Atonality Part 1" - The Wire No. 168, February, London
"Picturing Atonality Part 2" - The Wire No. 169, March, London
"Between Song & Score Part 1" - The Wire No. 170, April, London
"Between Song & Score Part 2" - The Wire No. 171, May, London
"The Advent of Muzak Part 1" - The Wire No. 172, June, London
"The Advent of Muzak Part 2" - The Wire No. 173, July, London
"Pornographic Music Part 1" - The Wire No. 174, August, London
All Wire articles are part of The Secret History of Film Music monthly series
"Cinesonics: Contact" - Real Time No.24, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Lost In Space" - Real Time No.25, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Doctor Dolittle" - Real Time No.26, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Armageddon" - Real Time No.27, Sydney
"Cinesonics: The Truman Show" - Real Time No.28, Sydney
"Die, Trekkie, Die!" - Real Time No.29, Sydney


"I Scream In Silence - Sex, Death & The Sound Of Women Dying" - CINESONIC 1st International Conference on Films Scores & Sound Design, RMIT, Melbourne
"Music, HEAT & the soundtracks of Michael Mann" - John Manogios Lecture Series, Kaleide Cinema, Melbourne


Recipient (with Philip Samartzis) of a grant for staging Ph2 concerts of live surround sound, New Media Fund, Australia Council
Interviewed on JJJ-FM: on blaxploitation cinema
Interviewed on SBS-TV: on blaxploitation cinema
Interviewed on ABC-TV: on film scores & Carter Burwell
Interviewed on Radio National: sound design & film scores
Interviewed on Radio National: on horror & the 25th Anniversary of THE EXORCIST



Completion of script for DARK SEED (feature film)


LAZY3 (collaborative trio with Dave Brown & Sean Baxter) - Empress Hotel & Punters Club, Melbourne
collaboration with HONEYSMACK - Revolver Upstairs, Melbourne


OTHERZONE (35mm Dolby Stereo short) - directed by David Cox & produced by Sarah Zadeh; funded by the Australian Film Commission & Cinemedia; premiered at the 46th Melbourne International Film Festival


MAYHEM MAGIC & MAELSTROMS - Studio Ghibli: Hayao Miyazaki & Isao Takahata (retrospective) - 46th Melbourne International Film Festival


"Mayhem, Magic & Maelstroms - the animation of Studio Ghibli"- 46th Melbourne International Film Festival catalogue
"J'taime Galaxy Express 999" - programme notes for stage musical version of Reiji Matsumoto's Galaxy Express 999, Japan
"Digital Art: 4 Manias" - catalogue essay for the exhibition Trick or Treat, 200 Gertrude St, Melbourne
"Ocular Excess: A Morphology Of Cartoon Eyes" - edited version reprinted in Art & Design No.53 (Special Issue: Art & Animation), London
"Report: Manga & Anime In Australia" - Comickers, June, Tokyo
"Cinematic Electronica Part 1" - The Wire No.158, April, London
"Cinematic Electronica Part 2" - The Wire No.160, June, London
"Asia Minor & Other Eastern Modes Part 1" - The Wire No. 161, July, London
"Asia Minor & Other Eastern Modes Part 2" - The Wire No.162, August, London
"Collapsing Music Into Image Part 1" - The Wire No.164, October, London
"Collapsing Music Into Image Part 2" - The Wire No.165, November, London
"Black Holes on the Soundtrack Part 1" - The Wire No.166, December, London
All Wire articles are part of The Secret History of Film Music monthly series
"Cinesonics: The Island Of Dr. Moreau" - Real Time No.19, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Lost Highway" - Real Time No.20, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Face/Off" - Real Time No.21, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Michael Jackson's 'Ghosts'" - Real Time No.22, Sydney
"Cinesonics: Surrounded by Sound" - Real Time No.23, Sydney
"Review: 'The Reflective Space'" Like No.2, Melbourne


"Punk Art School" - forum in conjunction with the Punkulture exhibition, Performing Arts Museum, Melbourne


Recipient of a Distinctly Australian Fellowship Scheme, Australian Film Commission
Recipient of a Creative Development Funding from the Australian Film Commission for actors workshop - DARK SEED



BODY MELT (35mm Dolby Surround feature) - sold thru BEYOND FILMS to Japanese cable TV & Poland
Reading of DARK SEED (feature film script) funded by SPAA, Malthouse Theatre, Melbourne (with producer Fiona Eagger)


"Op Shop Culture: Aesthetics In Mothballs"- Like No.1, Melbourne


The Body Internal - Value Added Goods lecture series, Centre for Contemporary Photography


Interviewed on ABC Radio National: on Violence in the Media
MAIDENHEAD wins Best Soundtrack in Kracow International Film Festival, Poland



BODY MELT (35mm Dolby Surround feature) - independently distributed by DUMB FILMS & theatrically released in Adelaide
BODY MELT (35mm Dolby Surround feature) - released domestically on video through 21ST CENTURY


MAIDENHEAD (35mm Dolby Stereo short funded by AFC & Film Victoria) - directed by Marie Craven & produced by John Cruthers; funded by the Australian Film Commission & Film Victoria; premiered at the 44th Melbourne International Film Festival


GLIMPSES OF A FANTASTIC IMAGINATION - Osamu Tezuka (retrospective) - 44th Melbourne International Film Festival


"Osamu Tezuka: Glimpses of A Fantastic Imagination" - 44th Melbourne International Film Festival catalogue & Filmnews No.117, Sydney
"Japanese Animation in the West" - Filmnews No.117, Sydney


"Aspects of Sound & Music in Indigenous Cinema" - 1st Indigenous Narrative Drama Initiative, AFC Melbourne
"Spatial Logic & Dimensionality in Film" - Sound In Space, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
"Sonic - Atomic - Pneumonic: Apocalyptic Echoes in Japanese Animation" - 2nd International Conference on Animation, Sydney


Interviewed on JJJ-FM: on blaxploitation cinema
Project assessor for the Australian Film Commission



BODY MELT (35mm Dolby Surround feature) - independently distributed by DUMB FILMS & theatrically released in Perth & Melbourne
BODY MELT (35mm Dolby Surround feature) - represented by BEYOND FILMS and sold to UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Japan, France, Mexico, Russia, Greece, Cyprus, India, Singapore & Malaysia
BODY MELT (35mm Dolby Surround feature) - screened at the Dublin Film Festival; Helsinki Film Festival; Academy Of Sci-Fi & Horror Film Festival, LA.
SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - screens at the ICA, London


ONLY THE BRAVE (16mm featurette) - directed by Ana Kokkinos & produced by Fiona Eagger; funded by the Australian Film Commission & Film Victoria; premiered at the 43rd Melbourne International Film Festival
KABOOM - Explosive Animation from America & Japan - Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney


KABOOM - Explosive Animation from America & Japan - Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney


Editor of "KABOOM - Explosive Animation from America & Japan" - book published by Museum of Contemporary Art Publications, Sydney
"Ocular Excess: A Morphology Of Cartoon Eyes" - "KABOOM - Explosive Animation from America & Japan", Museum of Modern Art Publications, Sydney


"Your Children Are Dead: Assorted Reasons For Making Horror Films" - Australian Centre for Contemporary Art presentation of BODY MELT, State Film Theatre, Melbourne


Interviewed on Phillip Addams' Nightline: on production design in science fiction cinema



BODY MELT (35mm Dolby Surround feature funded by the Australian Film Commission & Film Victoria) - premiered at the 42nd Melbourne International Film Festival; screens at the London International Film Festival; Sitges Fantasy Film Festival, Barcelona
SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - screens at Lantern/Venster, Rotterdam; Eldorado, Antwerp; Effenar, Eindhoven; Vera, Groningen; Ekko, Utrecht.


BODY MELT (35mm Dolby Surround feature funded by the Australian Film Commission & Film Victoria)


"TETSUO II - Mutant Offspring of Mutant Culture" - catalogue essay for Japanese theatrical release of Tetsuo II, Japan



PULSE by MARIA KOZIC & THE MK-SOUND (music video for Present Records)


VIRAL PULSE by MARIA KOZIC & THE MK-SOUND (collaborative duo with Maria Kozic - co-writer/performer/producer/engineer/mixer) - released on Present Records


"Read My Lips" - Continuum Vol.3 No.3, Perth


"Apocalyptic Scenarios in Japanese Popular Culture: from GODZILLA to TETSUO" - 41st Melbourne International Film Festival
"Close analysis of the sound design in COLORS" - Sound In The Cinema, Modern Image Makers Association, Linden Gallery, Melbourne


Recipient of a script development funding from the Australian Film Commission - BODY MELT
Occasional guest on Wendy Harmer's KABOOM, ABC Radio National



SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - purchased/screened by Channel 4, UK
ZEUS by COLOSSUS (music video for Present Records)
INVASION OF THE TEENAGERS by CUT SLASH KILL (music video for Present Records)


"The Animation Of Sound" - The Illusion Of Life: Essays On Animation, Power Publications, Sydney
Collected writing published in RESTUFF No.3: Media/Theory/Technology, Melbourne


"Illiterature" - Australian Script writers' Conference
"Virtual Reality, Cyberspace & Hyper Media" - Perspecta forum, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
"Silent "Bodies In Warhol's Cinema" - Warhol's Early Cinema Retrospective, State Film Theatre, Melbourne
"The Powers Of Horror" - Melbourne Writers' Festival, Melbourne
"PSYCHO, Herrmann & Hitchcock" - Film Composing, Australian, Film TV & Radio School, Sydney
"Close analysis of the sound design in COLORS" - Year Of The Film Composer, Australian Film TV & Radio School, Melbourne


Interviewed on Phillip Addams' Nightline: on Horror & Pornography
Director of music video for Grant McLennan's "When Word Gets Around"
Engineer for Pray TV's Spent 7" EP, Shock Records, Melbourne
Full-time lecturing in Sound, Soundtrack & Audio-Visual Concepts at RMIT, Media Arts, Melbourne (to 2003)



SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - tours Canada & Northern USA in the programme Aurora Australis
SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - screened at Melbourne Cinematheque; Croydon Film Society, Melbourne; RMIT, Melbourne
BITCH by MARIA KOZIC & THE MK-SOUND (music video for Present Records)
A MOUNTAIN by COLOSSUS (music video for Present Records)


THE PRESENT COMPILATION - CD released on Present Records - contains:
HELP! 4 tracks by MARIA KOZIC & THE MK-SOUND (collaborative duo with Maria Kozic - co-writer/performer/producer/engineer/mixer)
SOUL FOODS FOR THE GODS - 4 tracks by COLOSSUS (collaborative duo with Bill McDonald - co-writer/performer/producer/engineer/mixer)
POP ART CORN & SOFT POP PORN - 2 tracks by CUT SLASH KILL (writer/performer/producer/engineer/mixer)
REMIXED TO HELL - 2 tracks by INSTRUMENTLESS (writer/performer/producer/engineer/mixer)
plus tracks mixed for Impact, Ultra Vibe Jive Tribe & Sally

Graphic designer/illustrator

STUFFED No.3 Faces, Melbourne
STUFFED No.2 Logos, Melbourne


Co-editor (with Ian Robertson) - STUFFING No.3: Art/Graphics, Melbourne
"The Architecsonic Object: Stereo Sound, Cinema & COLORS" - Culture, Technology & Creativity In The Late 20th Century, John Libbey Press, London
"Post-Punk Graphics: The Displaced Present, Perfectly Placed" - STUFFING No.3, Melbourne


The Body Horrible - The End Of The World As We Now Know It lecture series, George Paton Gallery, Melbourne; Alberta College Of Art, Calgary, Canada
"Ingrained In Grain" - Photography & Postmodernism forum, Centre of Contemporary Photography, Melbourne


Interviewed in Index No.1, , Melbourne
Engineer and producer for Pray TV's Spent 7" single, Au-Go-Go Records, Melbourne



SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - screened at Collective For Living Cinema, New York; University Of N.S.W.
SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - released on Domestic home video through Home Cinema Group
CLUB VIDEO (2-screen dual stereo SD video) - screened in WR090 Sound Basis Visual Art Festival, Wroclaw, Poland
CLUB VIDEO (music video for Present Records) - screened in "The Elusive Sign" at the State Film Centre, Melbourne & The Chauvel Cinema, Sydney
SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (music video for Present Records)
GOD IS DEAD by CUT SLASH KILL (music video for Present Records)
GUIDED MUSCLE TO YOUR HEART by INSTRUMENTLESS (music video for Present Records)


TRASH & JUNK CULTURE (multi-media exhibition) - exhibited at The Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne


SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT - soundtrack LP released on Present Records
A FISTFUL OF ROCK by CUT SLASH KILL (collaborative duo with Ian Haig) - mini LP released on Present Records
THE ABDOMINAL WALL OF NOISE by INSTRUMENTLESS - 12" EP released on Present Records
THE BOX Volume 2 with records by INSTRUMENTLESS, CUT SLASH KILL, Impact, Ultra vibe Jive Tribe, Sally & the SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT soundtrack - released on Present Records
THE BOX Volume 1 with records by → ↑ → - released on Present Records


Co-editor (with Ross Harley) - STUFFING No.2: Music/Image, Melbourne
"Film Narrative / Narrative Film / Music Narrative / Narrative Music" - Cinema Papers No.71, Melbourne
"Comics Aged" - Editions Review No.2, Sydney
"Comics, RAW, Topps, Kids & Dinosaurs" - Art & Text No.33, Sydney, 1989
"The Non-Event Of Sound In Video Art" - Scan Vol.1, Sydney
"This Ad's For You" - STUFFING No.2, Melbourne
The Sound Of Rock (Chapters 1 & 2) - STUFFING No.2, Melbourne


Various music videos screened on ABC TV (Rage); the Melbourne International Film Festival; the Melbourne Cinematheque
Casual lecturing in Soundtrack at Swinburne Film School, Melbourne (to 1990)
Interviewed in Taking Care Of Business - Australian Film & Television School, Sydney
Producer & engineer for recording session of Bucketrider (unreleased)



SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - screened at Edinburgh Film Festival; Melbourne Film Festival; Sydney Film Festival; Back Of Beyond - Australian Cinema, UCLA, Los Angeles; Australian Independents, ICA Cinema, London
SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - independently distributed by DUMB FILMS & theatrically released in Melbourne (State Film Theatre) and Sydney (Mandolin Cinema) with NO DANCE (16mm short) & THE CELLULOID SELF (16mm short) as supports


TRASH & JUNK CULTURE (multi-media exhibition) - exhibited at The Performance Space, Sydney

Graphic designer/illustrator

STUFFED No.1: Alphabets, Melbourne


"The Corpse of Modernism & The Blood of Jackson Pollock" - Art & Australia, Sydney, Spring
"Alphabets" - STUFFED No.1, Melbourne
"Re-Generation: Robert Rooney as Pop" - catalogue essay for the exhibition From The Homefront - Robert Rooney works 1953-1988, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne
The Body Horrible - Intervention Nos. 21/22, Sydney
"Sounding & Sampling" - New Music Articles No.6, Melbourne
"RAW POWER - It Is What It Is" - press article for the AuGoGo records re-release of Iggy & The Stooges' Raw Power LP
Collected writing published in RESTUFF No.2: Rock/Pop/Culture, Melbourne
Collected writing published in RESTUFF No.1: Horror/Gore/Exploitation, Melbourne


"The Animation Of Sound" - The Illusion Of Life: 1st International Conference on Animation, University of Sydney
"That's Exploitation - Part 3: Ads" at ICA forum on Cinema & Identity, ICA, London
"Romantic Agony" - panel member, State Film Theatre, Melbourne


SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - nominated Best Sound track (Shorts) 1988 AFI Film Awards
SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - wins Best Australian Short, 1988 Melbourne International Film Festival
SALT SALIVA SPERM & SWEAT (16mm featurette) - purchased by Australia National Gallery, Canberra
CLUB VIDEO (music video) - screened on SBS TV
Engineer and mixer for Gum's 20 Years In Blue Movies And Yet To Fake An Orgasm LP, no label, Melbourne



NO DANCE (16mm short) - screened in the Melbourne International Film Festival
THE CELLULOID SELF (16mm short) - screened in the Melbourne International Film Festival
THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE 1980 MOSCOW OLYMPICS (16mm short) - screened in the Melbourne International Film Festival
DEPICTIONS (stereo SD video) - screened as part of a Modern Image Makers national tour of regional galleries
AURAL/ORAL RISK by ASPHIXIATION (music video) - A Rock''n'Roll Video Show, Australian National Gallery, Canberra
NO DANCE (music video for Present Records) - screened at the State Film Theatre, Melbourne
CLUB VIDEO (music video for Present Records) - screened at the State Film Theatre, Melbourne


NO DANCE (soundtrack mini LP) - released on Present Records
CLUB VIDEO (soundtrack mini LP) - released on Present Records


Co-editor (with Adrian Martin & Raffaele Caputo) - STUFFING No.1: Film/Genre, Melbourne
"Creative Development: The Politics Of Poetics & The Poetics Of Politics In Australian Film Culture" - Arena No.82 (with Rod Bishop), Melbourne
"Rewritten Westerns - Rewired Westerns" - STUFFING No.1, Melbourne
"That's Exploitation - Part 1: An Introduction" - Filmviews No.132, Melbourne
"That's Exploitation - Part 2: Turkeys" - Filmviews No.133, Melbourne
"All Horror Films Are Sick: True Or False?" - Cinema Papers No.62, Melbourne
"Avant-Garde Rock" - Missing In Action - Australian Popular Music In Perspective, Graphics Publications, Melbourne
"As Deaf As A Bat" - Streetwise Flash Art - Is There A Future For Cultural Studies?, Power Institute Publications, Sydney
"International Videos In The 1987 Melbourne International Film Festival" - Filmnews Vol.17 No.7, Sydney
"You Are There: Notes on Live Music" - Third Degree No.4, Sydney
"The Audience You Want: The Audience in Rock & Pop Video Clips" - Freeze Frame Vol.1 No.3, Melbourne
"Rock Video Shows On TV" - Freeze Frame Vol.1 No.4, Melbourne


"Independent Film" - panel member, Australian Film TV & Radio School, Melbourne


NO DANCE (16mm short) - receives Certificate of Merit in Short Film Awards, Melbourne International Film Festival
Interviewed on 3AW Mike Jefferies: on Horror & Pornography
Engineer and mixer for Gum's Vinyl LP, Xtreme Records, Melbourne


Including → ↑ → productions


STILLS (live performance with 16mm rear-projection) - Het Kruithuis, Groningen; Shaffy Theatre, Amsterdam; 't Hoogt, Utrecht; Werkstatte, Dusseldorf; Beurschouwburg, Brussels; de Effenaar, Eindhoven; Nieuwport Theater, Ghent; Midlands Art Centre, Nottingham; ICA Theatre, London; Alabama Halle, Munich
NO DANCE (16mm short) - screened at Alabama Halle, Munich; Melbourne State College; Modern Image Makers Association, Glasshouse Theatre, Melbourne; Melbourne Cinematheque; Western Australia Institute of Technology; Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne
ADS (mono SD video) - screened at Alabama Halle, Munich; Melbourne International Film Festival, Melbourne; Dreamscapes, Modern Image Makers, Glasshouse Theatre, Melbourne; 1st Australian Video Art Festival, Chauvel Cinema, Sydney
DEPICTIONS (stereo SD video) - exhibited at Roslyn Oxley Gallery, Sydney
CLUB VIDEO (2-screen stereo SD video) - screened at Alabama Halle, Munich


STILLS (live performance with 16mm rear-projection)


"Rock, Pop & The Drop: Nuclear Issues In Rock & Pop Video Clips" - Waves No.76, Melbourne
"Critical Currencies: Negative Views On Rock & Pop Video Clips" - Waves No.78, Melbourne
"Rock & Gore: In the World of Rock & Pop Video Clips" - Waves No.79, Melbourne
EXPLOITATION VIDEOS (6 columns) - Video Age Monthly, Melbourne
"Horrality - The Textuality Of The Contemporary Horror Film" - Screen Vol.27 Nos.1/2, London
"Western Spaghetti & Spaghetti Westerns" - catalogue essay for Maria Kozic, Aperto, Venice Biennale


"I say, you say: 'Popular Culture'" - Popular Culture Week, Melbourne University, Melbourne


Mostly → ↑ → productions


NO DANCE (16mm short) - screened at 1985 AFI Awards, Melbourne & Sydney; 1st National Script writers' Conference, Melbourne
ROMANTIC STORY (16mm short) - screened at the 1st National Script writers' Conference, Melbourne; The Next Wave Festival, Melbourne
CLUB VIDEO (2-screen stereo SD video) - exhibited in Making Appearances at The Charlottenburg Gallery, Copenhagen; Artspace, Sydney; The Student Cultural Centre, Belgrade;
CAPRICE (music video) - screened in Talking Back To The Media at Time Based Arts, Amsterdam; screened at The Student Cultural Centre, Belgrade; QBO Gallery, Bologna
THE NEWS (stereo SD video) - exhibited in Scanlight at the Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney; screened at The Student Cultural Centre, Belgrade; QBO Gallery, Bologna
ADS (mono SD video) - tours Japanese galleries as part of the Continuum Japan/Australia Art exchange; screened at The Student Cultural Centre, Belgrade; QBO Gallery, Bologna
Various films & videos presented at The Student Cultural Centre, Belgrade; QBO Gallery, Bologna; The Glasshouse Theatre, Melbourne


NO DANCE (16mm short)
CLUB VIDEO (2-screen stereo SD video)


"Terror Technologis - Emergent/Resurgent Themes In Modern Science Fiction Movies" - Third Degree No.2, Sydney
EXPLOITATION VIDEOS - Video Age Monthly, Melbourne
"Gremlins" - Video Age Monthly, Vol.4 No.12, Melbourne
"From The Horrific To The Terrific" - Video Age Monthly, Vol.4 No.3, Melbourne
"Review: Cotton Club" (with Rolando Caputo) - Cinema Papers No.49, Melbourne
"Video Art: The Devil's Advocate & The Archangel Gabriel" - Australian Video Art Overseas catalogue
"The Written Word: Writing & The Australian Context" - Waves No.74, Melbourne
"Women In Rock Videos: Unglamour & Macho-Feminine" - Waves No.75, Melbourne
"Glimpses Of The Present" - Tension No.8, Melbourne


"Sanscript" - 1st National Script writers' Conference, Melbourne
"Art & Writing" - panel contribution for the series Close Remarks - Placing Art & Theory, Artspace, Sydney
Forum panel presentation in conjunction with the exhibition Pop Art 1955-1970, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne


NO DANCE (16mm short) - nominated Best Experimental Film, 1985 AFI Awards
Complete back-catalogue of → ↑ → Super 8 films purchased by the National Film & Sound Archive, Canberra
Director of music video for The Olympic Sideburns' "Have Love Will Travel"
Occasional live drummer for The Olympic Sideburns
Casual lecturing in Soundtrack at RMIT, Communications department, Melbourne (to 1987)


Mostly → ↑ → productions


THE CELLULOID SELF (16mm short) - screened at the Glasshouse Theatre, Melbourne
ROMANTIC STORY (16mm short) - screened at the Glasshouse Theatre, Melbourne
THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE 1980 MOSCOW OLYMPICS (16mm short) - screened at the Glasshouse Theatre, Melbourne
SOME LOST ADVERTISEMENTS (2-screen 16mm film with separate soundtrack) - Visual Arts Conference, Equator, Perth
PAINTINGS (stereo SD video) - screened at the Glasshouse Theatre, Melbourne
I YOU WE (stereo SD video) - screened at the Glasshouse Theatre, Melbourne; Futurfall Conference on Postmodernism, Power Institute, Sydney; Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
MUZAK ROCK & MINIMALISM (stereo SD video) - screened at Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth; Praxis, Fremantle; Futurfall Conference on Postmodernism, Power Institute, Sydney; Glasshouse Theatre, Melbourne
AURAL/ORAL RISK by ASPHIXIATION (music video) - Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
THE NEWS (stereo SD video) - screened at Praxis, Fremantle; Futurfall Conference on Postmodernism, Power Institute, Sydney; Glasshouse Theatre, Melbourne
THE → ↑ → INSTALLATION - Praxis, Fremantle; Tasmanian School of Art, Hobart
STILL ROCK'N'ROLL TO ME (radio play) - Ars Radio, Vienna


FORMULA DISCO (live set) - performed at Praxis, Fremantle; Murdoch University, Perth; Wizbah, Perth; in Beat, Performing Arts Museum, Melbourne


PAINTINGS (stereo SD video)
ROMANTIC STORY (16mm short)
NOISES VS. MUZAKS (live performance with Super-8 projection) - Visual Arts Conference, Equator, Perth
CARTOONS OR COMICS (installation) - George Paton Gallery, Melbourne


Editor/publisher of STUFF (1 issue) - Melbourne
"Tales Of Terror: The Horror Films You Think You Know" - Cinema Papers No.49, Melbourne
"Maria Kozic Spots The Difference" - Art & Text No.11, Melbourne
"Monsters From The Id" - catalogue essay for Maria Kozic exhibition, Tolarno Gallery, Melbourne
"Theatre is the most dead of all arts" - ZX No.2, Sydney
"Say Goodbye To Hollywood" - Third Degree No.1, Sydney


"Perversity" - Futurfall Conference on Postmodernism, Power Institute, Sydney
"No Comment On Images" with Adrian Martin - Futurfall Conference on Postmodernism, Power Institute, Sydney
"The Image-Go-Round" - Artists Week, Adelaide
"I say, you say: 'Popular Culture'" - Visual Arts Conference, Perth; National Gallery of Art


→ ↑ → productions


I YOU WE (stereo SD video) - Roslyn Oxley Gallery, Sydney; State of the Art, Metro Television, Sydney; Time Based Arts, Amsterdam
AURAL/ORAL RISK by ASPHIXIATION (music video) - A Melbourne Mood: Cool Contemporary Art, Australian National Gallery, Canberra; Super-8/Video Overload, Glasshouse Theatre, Melbourne; Videos/Films from Australia, Time Based Arts, Amsterdam
ADS (mono SD video) - Scan Gallery, Tokyo; Videos/Films from Australia, Time Based Arts, Amsterdam; Houdini Theatre, Zurich; New Videos, Medienwerkstatt, Vienna; State of the Art, Metro Television, Sydney; ARC, Museum Of Modern Art, Paris; Super-8/Video Overload, Glasshouse Theatre, Melbourne
MUZAK ROCK & MINIMALISM (stereo SD video) - screened at Perspecta '83, Art Gallery Of New South Wales, Sydney; State of the Art, Metro Television, Sydney; Videos/Films from Australia, Time Based Arts, Amsterdam; Mazzo Club, Amsterdam; Institut Unzeit, Berlin; U-4, Vienna
THE → ↑ → INSTALLATION - Perspecta '83, Art Gallery of New South Wales; From Another Continent, ARC Musée d'arte moderne, Paris; Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane
STILL ROCK'N'ROLL TO ME (radio play) - ABC Radio Australia
A NON SPACE (4-monitor SD video) - Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane


MUZAK ROCK & MINIMALISM (LP) - released on Present Records
SOUNDTRACKS (LP) - released on Present Records
CAPRICE (7" EP) 2nd pressing - released on Present Records


FORMULA DISCO (live music set) - performed at the opening of From Another Continent, ARC Musée d'arte moderne, Paris; Cent Vingt Huits, Paris
NOISES VS. MUZAKS (live performance with Super-8 projection) - Insitut Unzeit, Berlin


Editor/publisher of STUFF (5 issues) - Melbourne
MADE BY → ↑ → (book with flexi-disc - funded by the Australia Council) - Melbourne
"Horrality - The Textuality Of The Contemporary Horror Film" - Art & Text No.3, Melbourne
"Art Dumb" - catalogue essay for Maria Kozic exhibition, Roslyn Oxley Gallery, Sydney
"Visions of Reality" - Stuff No.6, Melbourne
"End-ing" - Stuff No.4, Melbourne
"Denim" - Stuff No.1, Melbourne


"Art & Politics - Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" - forum series, Hobart School of Art, Hobart
Forum presentation with Adrian Martin - Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane
"Gone With The Wind" - Meaning in Contemporary Australian Art, Power Institute, Sydney


AURAL/ORAL RISK by ASPHIXIATION (music video) - collection purchase, Australian National Gallery, Canberra
Part-time lecturing in Sound at PIT, Media Arts, Melbourne (to 1990)


→ ↑ → productions


THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE 1980 MOSCOW OLYMPICS AS TELEVISED BY HSV CHANNEL 7 (stereo Super 8 film) - Popism, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; Melbourne Cineastes Society, Melbourne; Media Resource Centre, Adelaide; Australian Independent Filmmakers Programme, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; Departure Lounge, Sydney; The Mill, Geelong; Burwood Town Hall, Melbourne
ROMANTIC STORY (Super 8 film) - Melbourne Cineastes Society, Melbourne; Media Resource Centre, Adelaide; Australian Independent Filmmakers Programme, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; Departure Lounge, Sydney; Melbourne Film Festival; Virgin Press benefit concert, Seaview Ballroom, Melbourne; The Mill, Geelong; Burwood Town Hall, Melbourne; Paddington Cinema, Sydney
THE CELLULOID SELF (Super 8 film) - Popism, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; Melbourne Cineastes Society, Melbourne; Media Resource Centre, Adelaide; Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide; Departure Lounge, Sydney; Melbourne Film Festival; Virgin Press benefit concert, Seaview Ballroom, Melbourne; Theatre Royal Backspace, Hobart; Contemporary Music Nights, The Mill, Geelong; Paddington Cinema, Sydney
I - YOU - WE (Super 8 film) - Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, George Paton Gallery, Melbourne; Media Resource Centre, Adelaide; Departure Lounge, Sydney; Theatre Royal Backspace, Hobart; Contemporary Music Nights, The Mill, Geelong
NO DANCE (stereo Super 8 film) - Super 8 Phenomenon, State Film Centre, Melbourne; Super 8 Phenomenon, Paddington Town Hall, Sydney; Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; Melbourne State College, Melbourne; Exits, Sydney; Mount Erica Hotel, Melbourne; Seaview Ballroom, Melbourne; Marquee, Melbourne; Salon Bon Ton, Melbourne; Latrobe University, Melbourne; Festival of Surrealism, Melbourne
HELLO, AUSTRALIA! (2-screen SD video) - Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide; Te Ve Tabu, Metro Television, Sydney
SOME LOST ADVERTISEMENTS (2-screen 16mm film with separate soundtrack) - Film As Art, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne; Union Theatre, Adelaide University; Te Ve Tabu, Metro Television, Sydney; Contemporary Music Nights, The Mill, Geelong
AURAL/ORAL RISK by ASPHIXIATION (music video) - aired on Rock Around The World, SBS-TV; After Dark, Channel ?; State Film Theatre, Melbourne
ADS (mono SD video) - Open Channel, Melbourne; Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; State Film Theatre, Melbourne


RHIZOME IS A BIG WORD (sound collage) - included on flexi-disc compilation, Art Network No.6, Sydney


FORMULA DISCO (live music set) - Crystal Ballroom & Tiger Lounge (Melbourne); New Directions opening, Geelong Art Gallery; Alma Hotel & Contemporary Art Society (Adelaide); Performance 1, Maxy's & Mosman Hotel (Sydney)
ASPHIXIATION (live performance to music) - opening of Popism, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; Sydney Conservatorium, 3rd Biennale of Sydney; Stranded Discotheque, Sydney; Angas Hotel, Adelaide
NARRATIVE MUSIC (live music set) - Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide
NOISES VS. MUZAKS (live performance with Super-8 projection) - Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide
SUDDENLY - I MOVED (live multi-screen video performance) - Melbourne State College, Melbourne; Latrobe University, Melbourne


NO DANCE (stereo Super 8 film)
ADS (mono SD video)


"Texts & Gestures" - mail interview with Adrian Martin, Art Network No.6, Sydney
"Pop Music Where? Part 1" - Virgin Press No.20, Melbourne
"Pop Music Where? Part 2" - Virgin Press No.21, Melbourne
"Subculture" - Fast Forward No.12, Melbourne


"Raiders Of The Open Text" - Australian Screen Studies Association Conference, Melbourne
"Super 8 Surrounded" - 3rd Sydney Super 8 Festival, Sydney
"Popism & The Now" - Forum series, Hobart School of Art, Hobart


Drummer with Hot Half Hour and on "Hot Half Hour" - 12" EP, released on Man Made Records


→ ↑ → productions


THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE 1980 MOSCOW OLYMPICS AS TELEVISED BY HSV CHANNEL 7 (stereo Super 8 film) - RMIT, Melbourne; City Studio, Sydney
ROMANTIC STORY (Super 8 film) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; City Studio, Sydney
THE CELLULOID SELF (Super 8 film) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; City Studio, Sydney
I - YOU - WE (Super 8 film) - City Studio, Sydney
THE PHANTOM No.692 (Super 8 film) - Latrobe University, Melbourne
SUSPENSE/PLAY (stereo Super 8 film) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne
CONTRACTED CINEMA (collection of silent Super 8 films) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne
HELLO, AUSTRALIA! (2-monitor SD video) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne
A NON SPACE (4-monitor SD video) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; Video Plus 2, Sydney; Swinburne Institute of Technology, Melbourne
SOME LOST ADVERTISEMENTS (2-screen 16mm film with separate soundtrack) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne


NEW MUSIC 1980 (LP) - contains → ↑ → track from NARRATIVE MUSIC, released on Innocent Records
NEW MUSIC 1978/79 (LP) - contains → ↑ → track from MORE TEDIOUS STRUCTURALISM, released on Innocent Records
SPACES (LP) - released on Innocent Records
ASPHIXIATION: L'Acrostique D'Amour/The Crush (12" single) - released on Pre label (distributed by Missing Link Records)
ASPHIXIATION: "What Is This Thing Called 'Disco'?" (LP w/12" single) - released on Asphixiation label (distributed by Innocent Records)


FORMULA DISCO (live music set) - His Governor's Pleasure, Sydney; Paul Craft Gallery, Melbourne
WARTIME ART (live performance to music) - Live to air concert, 3PBS-FM, Melbourne; Crystal Ballroom, Jump Club, Oxford Hotel (all Melbourne)
ASPHIXIATION (live performance to music) - Jump Club, Melbourne
NICE NOISE (live music set) - His Governor's Pleasure, Sydney; Cell Block, Sydney
MINIMALISM (live music set) - City Studio, Sydney
NARRATIVE MUSIC (live music set) - City Studio, Sydney
TEXTS (spoken word performance) - City Studio, Sydney
MINIMALISM (live music set) - City Studio, Sydney
MORE TEDIOUS STRUCTURALISM (music theatre performance) - Steve Mori Gallery, Sydney; Guild Theatre, Melbourne University, Melbourne
TELEVISION WORKS (mixed-media theatre performance) - The Met, Melbourne (3 week season of 15 performances)
NOISES VS. MUZAKS (live performance with Super-8 projection) - Noise & Muzak, George Paton Gallery, Melbourne; Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne
KABOOM! (live multi-media performance) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; Video Plus 2, Sydney
SUDDENLY - I MOVED (live multi-monitor video performance) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; Video Plus 2, Sydney; Monash Gallery, Monash University, Melbourne


"What Is This Thing Called 'Disco'?" - Art & Text No.3, Melbourne
"Book review: 'Subculture - The Meaning Of Style'" - Art & Text No.1, Melbourne


"The Archeology of Culture" with Adrian Martin - Film & History Conference, Canberra


Drummer on "People With Leukemia" - 7" 45 by The Chocolate Grinders, released on Innocent Records
Live performer in The Dave & Phil Duo


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THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE 1980 MOSCOW OLYMPICS AS TELEVISED BY HSV CHANNEL 7 (stereo Super 8 film) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne
SOME LOST ADVERTISEMENTS (2-screen 16mm film with separate soundtrack) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne
THE PHANTOM No.692 (Super 8 film) - Guild Theatre, Melbourne University, Melbourne


MINIMALISM (7" EP) - released on white label, distributed by Innocent Records
CAPRICE (7" EP) - 1st pressing released on Innocent Records


FORMULA DISCO (live music set) - Melbourne University, Melbourne; Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; Paradise Lounge, Melbourne (3 week residency); Crystal Ballroom, Melbourne
WARTIME ART (live performance to music) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne
TEXTS (spoken word performance) - Experimental Art FOundation, Adelaide
ASPHIXIATION (live performance to music) - George Paton Gallery, Melbourne; Performance, San Remo Ballroom, Melbourne
NICE NOISE (live music set) - Macys Hotel; 475 Club; Crystal Ballroom; Hearts; Exford Hotel; Victorian College of the Arts; Paradise Lounge; Preston Institute of Technology (all Melbourne)
NARRATIVE MUSIC (live music set) - Universal Workshop, Melbourne
MINIMALISM (live music set) - live to air concert, 3RRR-FM, Melbourne; The Met, Melbourne; Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; Fringe Festival, Adelaide
KABOOM! (live multi-media performance) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne


ASPHIXIATION (installation) - George Paton Gallery, Melbourne


Live performer in The Dave & Phil Duo and on "Present Themselves" 7" EP, released on Innocent Records


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CONTRACTED CINEMA (collection of silent Super 8 films) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne


VENITIAN RENDEZVOUS (7" EP) - 2nd pressing released on white label, distributed by Innocent Records
VENITIAN RENDEZVOUS (7" EP) - released on white label, distributed by Innocent Records
NICE NOISE (7" EP) - 2nd pressing released on white label, distributed by Innocent Records
NICE NOISE (7" EP) - released on white label, distributed by Innocent Records
POP ART (one side of split 7" single) - released on Crystal Ballroom Records


NICE NOISE (live music set) - Universal Workshop, Melbourne; Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; 1 month residency - Crystal Ballroom, Melbourne; Marijuana House, Melbourne; Exford Hotel, Melbourne; Hearts, Melbourne
VENITIAN RENDEZVOUS (live music set) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; Oz Print Gallery, Melbourne; Universal Workshop, Melbourne; Anglers Hall, Melbourne; Preston Institute of Technology, Melbourne; Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide; live to air concert, 3RRR-FM, Melbourne; Marijuana House, Melbourne; Caulfield Institute of Technology, Melbourne; 1 month residency - Crystal Ballroom, Melbourne
KABOOM! (live multi-media performance) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne
TEXTS (spoken word performance) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne
MINIMALISM (live music set) - Old Wool Exchange, Melbourne; Guild Theatre, Melbourne University, Melbourne; Universal Workshop, Melbourne; 1 month residency - Crystal Ballroom, Melbourne
FEMALE FEMINIMALISM (live music set) - Preston Institute of Technology, Melbourne; Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide; Video Plus, Open Channel, Melbourne
MORE TEDIOUS STRUCTURALISM (music theatre performance) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; (excerpts) Latrobe Gallery, Latrobe University, Melbourne
SUDDENLY - I MOVED (live multi-monitor video performance) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; Video Plus, Open Channel, Melbourne
BY THE LIGHT (OF THE SILVERY MOON) (live multi-monitor music performance) - Video Plus, Open Channel, Melbourne


Live performer in The Dave & Phil Duo


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CONTRACTED CINEMA (collection of silent Super 8 films) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; Preston Institute of Technology, Melbourne


A PUNK BAND (live music set) - Son of Punk Gunk, Melbourne; various private parties
FEMALE FEMINIMALISM (live music set) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; Preston Institute of Technology, Melbourne
VENITIAN RENDEZVOUS (live music set) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne
NICE NOISE (live music set) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne
MINIMALISM (live music set) - White House Cafe, Melbourne; Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne; Widescreen, Melbourne State College, Melbourne; Preston Institute of Technology, Melbourne
KABOOM! (live multi-media performance) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne
A (live theatre performance) - Latrobe Arts Festival, Menzies Theatre, Latrobe University, Melbourne


Live performer in The Fab Four
Live performer in The Dave & Phil Duo


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A PUNK BAND (live music set) - Punk Gunk, Melbourne; various private parties
MINIMALISM (live music set) - Clifton Hill Community Music Centre, Melbourne; Latrobe Union, Latrobe University, Melbourne
A READER'S DIGEST COMPILATION OF ABRIDGED CONCEPTUAL SONGS (the origins of what would become individual project-sets of CAPRICE, MINIMALISM and VENITIAN RENDEZVOUS) - Union Theatre, Melbourne University, Melbourne
DOING SOMETHING GOING NOWHERE (the origins of what would become NICE NOISE) - Prahran Technical College, Melbourne