1. Breeders – Flipside (1993)
2. The Gladiators – Bleak House (1961)
3. Chicken Shack – San-Ho-Zay (1968)
4. Billy Preston – Space Race (1971)
5. Ken Ishii – Grab It Attack It (2001)
6. Deodato – Whistle Bump (1978)
7. Illuminati Of Hedfunk – The Worm Turns (1995)
8. Square Pusher – My Sound (1998)
9. John Barry Seven – Hit Or Miss (1960)
10. Mogwai – Summer (1995)
11. Electrelane – Five (2006)
12. The Federals – Boot Hill (1963)
13. Blur – The Debt Collector (1994)
14. Herb Albert – Rotation (1979)
15. Spacer – Pseudomorph (1997)